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27GB 3G usage in 30days

Not applicable
Hello all.

Im new & just signed up becasue of my outrage about the new removal of unlimited
data on 02. my last bill showed 27 Gig of data in less than 30 days so how is the
new 500meg plan going to help me? i could use all that in 30mins & thats supposed to last me a month. JOKE. im leaving o2 now & taking both my contract to another
Message 1 of 106
105 REPLIES 105

Not applicable
i'm not even sure how to reply to that.
Message 11 of 106

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sorry childhound i know my figures. 27 GIG..... 27000 MB....27000000KB

looking at my bill online now.
Message 12 of 106

Not applicable
sorry childhound i know my figures. 27 GIG..... 27000 MB....27000000KB
looking at my bill online now.

Then you should also know that 27gb is not possible in a weekend over 3G even if you never slept and you live on top of a mast.
Message 13 of 106

Not applicable
Perhaps the OP could submit a screenshot.
Message 14 of 106

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Wow this poster has convinced me that the new O2 caps are the right thing to do, because they will get rid of bandwidth hogs like this one. Good riddance. Do let us know which network you go to, so we can avoid it.
Message 15 of 106

Not applicable
I think you should know that its very easilly possible...

im in an HSDPA area & download quicker over my 3G than most people do on their home broadband lines & can get a GIG in an hour. so its easilly pobbile to get 27 gig in a 48 hour period.... as ive already shown. you do the maths.
Message 16 of 106

Not applicable
I think you should know that its very easilly possible...
im in an HSDPA area & download quicker over my 3G than most people do on their home broadband lines & can get a GIG in an hour. so its easilly pobbile to get 27 gig in a 48 hour period.... as ive already shown. you do the maths.

But I bet you're tethering?
Message 17 of 106

Not applicable
Its not my fault that 02 cant provide the service it promises to deliver to all its customers.
Doesn’t unlimited mean unlimited????
Finally 02 will stop saying they have an unlimited plan as they never should have in the 1st place if they’re going to cut people off. 02 is the UK’s only phone provider that will not publish what its fair & excessive usage policy is, which is why I took out 2 contracts with them. I spoke to over 8 people at o2 over a 3 week period & none of them could give me a data figure to monitor my usage against. So I said that until they give me a figure I obviously can’t monitor or control it. Why say you have 500mins & 200txts but not put a cap on usage??? Looks like they have finally learned their lesson & its cost them millions just to promote “ UNLIMITED
Message 18 of 106

Not applicable
I think you should know that its very easilly possible...
im in an HSDPA area & download quicker over my 3G than most people do on their home broadband lines & can get a GIG in an hour. so its easilly pobbile to get 27 gig in a 48 hour period.... as ive already shown. you do the maths.


If you are abusing the network as you claim then why on earth do you intend to leave because you won't get freedom like that anywhere else. If i'm not mistaken if you don't upgrade then you retain the "Unlimited".

If you are telling the truth then some form of youtube video of the speeds you are obtaining and files you are downloading should provide proof but forgive me if I don't hold my breath.
Message 19 of 106

Not applicable
Its def possible to use 27gig in a month.Its excessive but Who cares what he does he pays to get unlimited so why not use it. It does not affect me i get good 3g coverage and i live in london with millions of people who i am sure hog the network. At the end of the day 02 cant cope due to having the majority of iphone customers to themselves for long enough due to exclusivity. Now they have not got it so they know they will have to compete with voda, orange,tmobile and even 3. So what do they do? Cap the usage to 500meg and get extra income from data usage. I think 500m is a joke i use between 1-2gigs a month which is fair usage and all i do is surf the net and watch youtube on my phone and not even everyday.
Message 20 of 106