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o2 advisor training

Not applicable
just been into the local o2 store and tried to gather information on the htc desire.

the advisor was most helpfull when i was asking about upgrading to the desire and had loads of "answers" about the tariff prices/handset price but as soon as i said i wasnt due to upgrade for 2 weeks he started to walk away !

i chased after him and tried to ask some light technical questions about the desire and was totally amazed with the "1. dont know about that, you`ll have to contact htc to find out.2 it might need a software update" he didnt even try and help. now, i know how the internat works, i know how to type into a google search box and i also know that visiting woul dmore than likely have resolved any questions i had but when your in a store and dont have access to the internet there and then id of thought the advisor is there to answer any questions.

ok, i know theres LOADS of handsets out there and theres no way anyone on this earth could be expected to know everythign about them but was it soo hard to go find out for a customer?

so, on we go slight_smile

the questions i wanted to know were...

1. does the camera record video in HD
2. whilst i was in the store playing with the desire, it was getting a abit warm and i asked why that could of been?

now with whats happening with my contract with o2 at the moment, im trying to find the best way forward for myself and staff like that arent exactally helping o2 keep customers, it made me wonder if it was just myself or if he is like that with everyone who isnt ready to sign up to a new contract there and then...
Message 1 of 6

Not applicable

the questions i wanted to know were...
1. does the camera record video in HD
2. whilst i was in the store playing with the desire, it was getting a abit warm and i asked why that could of been?


In answer to your questions:

1. No, it does not (but the Desire HD, due out in October, does).
2. The battery on the Desire does warm up during use. It's well-reported and perfectly normal.

Regarding my answer to your first question - if you're not due an upgrade for a couple of weeks, you might want to hold out until October when the Desire HD is released.

Going by the reported spec, and the excellent reviews which the standard Desire received, it will be more than a match for the iPhone 4 which, love it or hate it, is what everyone seems to judge smartphones against at the moment!
Message 2 of 6

Not applicable
very good point sheepdog... im just a number slight_smile
Message 3 of 6

Not applicable
I have to agree with the last post on here. It is and I don't mean to be rude classed as being time wasting. When there is a shop full of people as well it can become time consuming and with the limited resources and staff that are in the stores it has an impact on lots of things that you the customer don't know about. E.g. our bonus, our customer experience feedback as a store if we leave people waiting to long it marks us down on experience then we loose money from our bonus.

Sorry to sound harsh but it's probabley the fact that he needed to move on like we do in our store
Message 4 of 6

Not applicable
just been into the local o2 store and tried to gather information on the htc desire.
the advisor was most helpfull when i was asking about upgrading to the desire and had loads of "answers" about the tariff prices/handset price but as soon as i said i wasnt due to upgrade for 2 weeks he started to walk away !
i chased after him and tried to ask some light technical questions about the desire and was totally amazed with the "1. dont know about that, you`ll have to contact htc to find out.2 it might need a software update" he didnt even try and help. now, i know how the internat works, i know how to type into a google search box and i also know that visiting woul dmore than likely have resolved any questions i had but when your in a store and dont have access to the internet there and then id of thought the advisor is there to answer any questions.
ok, i know theres LOADS of handsets out there and theres no way anyone on this earth could be expected to know everythign about them but was it soo hard to go find out for a customer?
so, on we go slight_smile
the questions i wanted to know were...
1. does the camera record video in HD
2. whilst i was in the store playing with the desire, it was getting a abit warm and i asked why that could of been?
now with whats happening with my contract with o2 at the moment, im trying to find the best way forward for myself and staff like that arent exactally helping o2 keep customers, it made me wonder if it was just myself or if he is like that with everyone who isnt ready to sign up to a new contract there and then...

First of all you wanted the Desire for free and threatened to leave O2, now you are moaning because a member of the O2 shop staff, timed you out!
Why didn't you just ask the questions in here and save yourself a trip to the O2 store? How come you happened to be in an O2 store?
There have been recent threads on the O2 forums that answered all your questions and now the answers have again been repeated.

My own experience with O2 retail is that they are a class above the others. Perhaps this is because I don't expect to be treated like a "special case" just because I am a customer.

Having read and reread your original post, other than attention seeking, I cannot see the point of all the bluster that surrounds the two questions.
Message 5 of 6

Not applicable
I have to say that I agree with the comments re the advisors.

Unfortunately, at the end of the day, because the advisors earn commission based on the contracts and handsets that they sell, they tend to concentrate on people who are actually going to take out a contract there and then, rather than ones who ask questions and then go away (no disrespect to the OP).

With the amount of information that is available to people online, and the fact that almost everybody now has access to the internet, it's now much easier and much more feasible for advisors to tell you to look on the web, rather than spend the time explaining things to you in store, when there isn't a sale to be had out of it.

It's just one of the facts of business. I think that (on the whole) O2 customer advisors are pretty good.

Perhaps O2 could have a couple of computers in their stores with their website pre-loaded, which customers can use to find out the information they require before thinking about taking out a contract..? Just a suggestion.
Message 6 of 6