on 17-06-2016 19:38
on 17-06-2016 19:38
I've been a customer for years, spent thousands and now I've had enough.
My account was charged with £36 of charges from an unrecognised source so I contacted O2 thinking it would be simple. but no, its been 2 months and theres still nothing to show for it.
Ive been lied to, told it was my fault, misled and been hung up on.
Now all I want is to end my contracts and go to a phone operator who actually values their customers.
So far I've been told it would take 5 days three times, Frankly O2 have been the most unpleasant company I've ever had to deal with.
I wanted to block my phones from premium content. I was told that It could be done over the phone and the O2 app would show it. Lie 1
I was told I would recive emails confirming o2s actions, never happend.
I was told I'd get a refund.. Lie 2
I was told that I must of authorised it as it was charged to my account.
Now all I want is my contract cancelled.
I will never return to O2, they could offer free contracts and solid gold phones and I;d still go with EE or Vodafone or 3 or 3 tin cans attached wth string. All are preferable to O2s customer contempt, sorry, 'service'
on 18-06-2016 16:10
on 18-06-2016 16:10
@Anonymous wrote:Thanks @Cleoriff I will pop back.
The issue isnt just the refund though. I've said to the managers/advisors/tea lady
that its more the way I've been treated and O2s attitude towards my issue that has caused most of the upset.
Its only £36 for the charges, A customers trust however, is worth a lot more.
I agree....and the principle of it all. Sadly missing in your case.
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 18-06-2016 16:20
@MI5 I totally agree, the email I recieved was from Capita. Although the way she mentions " I hope I renewed your faith with our network O2" makes it sound like they are part of O2 or Telefonica (allbeit in a rather clumsy way but I put that down to being a S. African centre and English being a second language). Thats just the way of these outsourced callcentres though.
My first mobile phone was with BT Cellnet, the forerunner of O2,I think its been getting worse every time they get bought out or merged. Its just a money making macine now, customers are just another revenue source and I cant see them changing until the flow of customers run out.
Using outsourced callcentres just exasperate the problem as no-one cares or has the power to do anything and the company employing them (O2 in this case) are nicely detached from the inconvenient part of the business. i.e. the customer!
on 18-06-2016 16:24
Please note, this is not customer services and we cannot access your account. Do not publish personal details (email, phone number, bank account).
Link to our guide on how to contact them can be found here
on 18-06-2016 16:28
on 19-06-2016 15:08
Well I waited 24 hours and as expected no credit to my account!
This is getting silly now. Lie anfter lie after lie.
Capita and O2 just cant be trusted. Ive sent a complaint but I cant see that doing anything.
I'm at a complete loss now. I'm tempted to just cancel my direct debits to try and get someone to talk to me who isnt part of capita as they obviously dont care or are too stupid to acually keep their promises.
The manager Orrin wasnt in today (or at least thats what I was told) and as theyre in south africa theres no way im calling them in their mobile (which was on the bottom of their email)
on 19-06-2016 15:50
on 19-06-2016 15:50
Google 'ceo o2' and send an email to his office with a contact number. You will get more joy I guarantee. It's weekend but they will get back to you before the complaints dept. If you want the email address then send me a private message.
on 19-06-2016 16:20
I've just spoken to disconnections, more as an attempt to talk to an O2 employee instead of Capita. They said that the team leader was the highest a customer could go and O2 wont allow customers to spea to anyone higher up!
So it seems that the O2 Priority is low for customers. (see what I did there)
I'll drop the CEO a copy of my complaint to the Complaint Review Service, although at this point I think all im doing is wasting my time.
O2 clearly have no intention to resolve this matter at any level, let alone release me from my contracts to this truly abysmal service.
on 19-06-2016 16:38
on 19-06-2016 16:38
Once the office of the CEO is involved, it will get sorted
on 19-06-2016 16:39
Email sent to Mr Ronan Dunne.
I'll keep you updated as any progress
on 19-06-2016 16:40
on 19-06-2016 16:40