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18 month contract finishes soon want to move to Simplicity

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My 18 month contract (Contract renewal date) is up on the 23 December 2011.
On this date I'm wanting to move onto a Simplicity tariff.
I was wondering if its possible to get moved onto a Simplicity tariff from what I'm on now by using the below link. Or is it only possible to be moved onto a Simplicity tariff by calling O2 or visiting an O2 store.
Message 1 of 11

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Even better: you can do this all online via your online my02 account. Go to My02 -> my tariff --> change my tariff. If nothing there suits you, you can always ring CS and they'll sort it out for you.
Message 2 of 11

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Even better: you can do this all online via your online my02 account. Go to My02 -> my tariff --> change my tariff. If nothing there suits you, you can always ring CS and they'll sort it out for you.

Thanks sheepdog. When I go into My O2/My Tariff I only get the below shown. Is this because I have not reached my Contract Renewal Date (23 December) or is this because I am not currently on a Simplicity tariff?
Message 3 of 11

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Nope - I get the same thing relative to my tariff on my 30 day contract! I get deals with 30 days notice.
Try CS in the morning or afternoon as its better than the online chat. Not to say you can't use the upgrade online form but sometimes if you speak to retentions you can get a slightly better deal.
Message 4 of 11

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Nope - I get the same thing relative to my tariff on my 30 day contract! I get deals with 30 days notice.
Try CS in the morning or afternoon as its better than the online chat. Not to say you can't use the upgrade online form but sometimes if you speak to retentions you can get a slightly better deal.

Thanks sheepdog for the help its much appreciated. I'll have to wait till the 23 December has this is when my contract renewal date is. What is the number for retention's that you mention?
Thanks again slight_smile
Message 5 of 11

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Actually you can renew one month before the end date so you should be eligible now. The number is 202 and just follow the prompts and eventually you'll get a human wink
Message 6 of 11

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Actually you can renew one month before the end date so you should be eligible now. The number is 202 and just follow the prompts and eventually you'll get a human wink

Or thanks for that. I thought I would have to wait till me contract renewal date, due to me wanting to move onto a different tariff.
Message 7 of 11

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Or thanks for that. I thought I would have to wait till me contract renewal date, due to me wanting to move onto a different tariff.
Message 8 of 11

Not applicable
Actually you can renew one month before the end date so you should be eligible now. The number is 202 and just follow the prompts and eventually you'll get a human wink

Thanks again Sheepdog for the help, it was much appreciated. The lady I first spoke to advised me too of the fact that I could have renewed this time last month. The lady I first spoke to had to transfer me to someone else, has she could only do 1 Month tariffs.
The guy I then spoke to next asked me what I wanted to go on. I asked to be put onto the 12 month £10.50 tariff cost (£16.50 after the £6 all rounder data bolt on was added). The guy then advised me that there was a special offer running on that tariff of £5 off for the first 6 months which would make it £11.50 for the first 6 months, then after that it would go up to £16.50, I was well chufted with that grin . So I'll now get 300 mins, unlimited texts, 500 mb data.
Thanks again and all the best sheepdog slight_smile
Message 9 of 11

Not applicable
Just a quick one I did exactly the same thing moved from an 18 month to a 12 month simplicity i chose the same tariff as you but got the 5.00 per month discount for the whole 12 months might be something you want to check
Message 10 of 11