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£100 to change your last 6 digit platinum mobile number!!

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Can't believe it costs so much to change your mobile number, it's not even the whole number, only the last 6 digits
The price does reduce the less you change, for example 2 would cost between £40-50
Surely as an O2 customer we should get discounts? I was going to change mine but not at that price 😞
Anyone have any other website recommendations ?
Message 1 of 15

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What are you talking about? You cannot change part of your number it is only possible to change the whole thing.
A number change is £35 unless you want to change it due to getting malicious calls and you haven't changed it in the previous 12 months, in which case it is free. This is a random number pulled out of the system.
If you want a specific number sequence then these are priced on a "silver/gold/platinum" basis. Maybe this is what you mean?
Prices here are £100/£250/£500 though, I don't know where you've got £40-50 from.
I would recommend searching eBay for prepay sims with memorable numbers, you can pick them up for a few pounds and then migrate the number onto your O2 account. Much cheaper.
Message 2 of 15

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The information from O2 cust services must be wrong then
I was quoted £100 to change the last 6 numbers, the first 5 could not be changed
There was no mention of higher prices than £100
The £30-40 was as I was told to be able to change the last 2 numbers to whatever (if available) I wanted
Yeh thought about Ebay, will have a look at some of their numbers slight_smile
Message 3 of 15

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It's true that it depends on the last 6 numbers. The first five cannot be specified, but they are changeable, providing it's a prefix that O2 has. Ie 07545 is an O2 prefix, but 07983, for example, belongs to TMUK.
The cheaper numbers (£100) are if the rest of the number is made up of, say, three double numbers, ie 223344. The next tier is if you want two lots of three, ie 222333 and the top level is if they are all the same ie 222222.
These are just examples and it can vary, but that's the basic structure.
Message 4 of 15

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Ah cheers dude
Do you think the numbers from Ebay are trustworthy? Like they haven't been used before (when they actually have)
Never sort of trusted EBay really, nothing but scammers
I think if I got a free one from o2 it would be something ridiculously odd lol
My number is pretty good but I get so much scamming calls I want to change it
My number is 077** 11*444 buy as I've said, too many scam calls etc
Message 5 of 15

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I think if I got a free one from o2 it would be something ridiculously odd lol

grin I don't know about odd, but will certainly just be random numbers.
I think most numbers sound funny when you first hear them but after using them for a while you get used to them. My previous number was 393 252 which had quite a ring to it wink Current number is 137 882 which doesnt sound so great but after having it for about 6 years it kinda trips off my toungue really easily now. wink
Message 6 of 15

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You'd probably be better off with a random rather than one of the memorable numbers.
TBH unless you are buying them directly from a network I wouldn't trust claims that they haven't been used before as numbers can change hands for up to and over a grand each which is just nuts in my opinion but they are a moneyspinner for many companies and mobile networks.
I can maybe understand for small businesses but some individuals buy them as a status symbol like personalised number plates, something again I'll never get my head around.
Message 7 of 15

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My number came randomly from O2 and is 997 447 which is. bit funky. My mate bought a sim from eBay to get a memorable number and had no trouble, but it all depends on the seller, see if they are a power seller or similar.
Message 8 of 15

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Mine came from o2 when i signed up and is in the sequence 075** 8xxxyy and is very memorable, and even o2 staff think its strange that it was randomly assigned to me...
Ive looked at the ebay ones, and from talking to some who have bought them, they have no problems with porting them over.... as always on ebay, buyer beware slight_smile
Message 9 of 15

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I like the novelty of having a number which is easily remembered but I certainly wouldn't be paying £100+ for one
I suppose the number I have which was a free one in the post could do
Any of you guys received a pretty good one in the post and aren't using it ?
Message 10 of 15