on 14-04-2013 12:05
on 14-04-2013 12:05
My son gave me a phone with his 02 sim in it, he no longer wanted the sim.
I wanted to use my own none 02 sim in it but it was still locked to 02.
We contacted 02 and asked for the unlock £15 was taken from the credit leaving only £1.
02 said I would receive a text saying when the phone was unlocked and then to connect it to itunes as it is an phone.
This never happened.
So I contacted 02 again and they said it was now unlocked. It wasn't no other Sims work in it and itunes say sim not recognised.
I called them several times but no joy they insisted it was unlocked
I waited longer just in case but no contact from 02 came.
Believe it or not this was last year.
I have been trying again recently, I contacted 02 on April 4th and told them the story again
they said they would activate the unlock again so I waited but it didn't happen.
I contacted them again on 12th April they said they sent an email to me, I asked for confirmation of the email address and it was wrong.
Now they are saying they didn't send the unlock again because now the sim is out of credit.
But it was in credit when I requested the unlock and I gave the correct email, to top up a sim that isn't going to be used would cost another £15, so in effect they want paying again.
Very unsatisfactory
on 14-04-2013 12:10
This is a most unusual set of circumstances and unlocking an iphone is usuallt a very simple procedure. A s the credit has been taken and you have made numerous attempts to resolve the problem, try making an official complaint by following the procedure outlined in the link below.
on 14-04-2013 12:11
on 14-04-2013 12:23
on 17-04-2013 08:07
Just to update.
I contacted the complaints department on the 15th April and told them the sorry tale.
There response was - please allow us up to 10 days to look into this-.
So ok what's another 10 days .
I will keep you informed
on 17-04-2013 14:55
on 17-04-2013 14:55
on 30-04-2013 16:03
on 01-05-2013 00:03
on 01-05-2013 00:03
on 01-05-2013 07:59
on 01-05-2013 09:21
on 01-05-2013 09:21