on 20-02-2015 13:47
on 20-02-2015 13:47
Hi I have an iphone 4 - people can barely hear me when I am on the phone so the microphone must be working - it is more clear when I put speaker phone on - is there anything I can do?
on 20-02-2015 14:07
on 20-02-2015 14:09
on 20-02-2015 14:09
You haven't fitted a recent cover fitted or screen protector?
on 20-02-2015 14:12
on 20-02-2015 14:12
on 20-02-2015 14:13
the Microphone is at the bottom isnt it?
on 20-02-2015 14:15
on 20-02-2015 14:15
on 20-02-2015 14:52
Do iPhones have 2 microphones like some others? it may be an issue with the main microphone but as you switch to loudspeaker it uses another microphone.
just a thought!!
on 20-02-2015 14:55
on 20-02-2015 15:50
on 20-02-2015 15:50
I think they have separate microphones for the phone and video/face time?
on 20-02-2015 18:07
I recall something similar a while ago and found this https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2500093?tstart=0