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internet usage

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I am a PAYGO customer and I am having issues with internet usage. I have used all my Bolt On data + additionally I have bought at least 3 times more UKDATA. When I leave my phone sitting on the table without doing anything I keep receiving messages that all data is used.


anyone can explain what is going on?



Message 1 of 12

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Turn off mobile data when not in use or when connected to wifi.
iPhones drop wifi when idle and revert to mobile data so it will be used by apps syncing in the background.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 2 of 12

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@Anonymous wrote:



I am a PAYGO customer and I am having issues with internet usage. I have used all my Bolt On data + additionally I have bought at least 3 times more UKDATA. When I leave my phone sitting on the table without doing anything I keep receiving messages that all data is used.


anyone can explain what is going on?



Not sure if this will apply to you, but have you installed iOS 9?


Why I ask is. With every new version of iOS since iOS 6. I normally (as regular as clockwork) get a large unexplainable amount of data used, for no apparent reason, this usually happens within the first week of installing the new version of iOS and I always had wifi switched on.


I would check my data use before switching off my iPhone (before I would go to bed) and note the data amount remaining. So basically my iPhone would be off and on this one morning when I switched my iPhone back on, I received a text to say I'd used all my data. From memory, I had a number of occasions where I would have had a couple of hundred MB used overnight while my iPhone was switched off Astounded


This year with iOS 9, I have not had this issue (touch wood). Maybe a coincidence, but the only thing that’s changed for me this year is I switched to another network, so whether this is an issue isolated to O2 I’m not sure. I visit other mobile network forums, and I can't remember seeing any mention of this issue.


When I've had the issue, I called O2 and explained what had happened (that my iPhone had been switched off and that I'd had a couple of hundred MB of data used while my iPhone was switched off). They usually gave me a free data bolt on as a goodwill gesture. 


The strange thing is, this issue doesn't affect all users.

Message 3 of 12

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@Anonymous do you have an iPhone like @Fatboy suggests? If so, has this problem occured after iOS9?

Message 4 of 12

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It's happened ever since iOS6 so I can't see why 9 would be any different.
@Anonymous no one at O2 wants to believe this is a problem - maybe something you can look into with fresh eyes?
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Message 5 of 12

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I see what you mean @MI5. I want to get as much information as possible so feedback from the OP would be great

Message 6 of 12

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@Anonymous wrote:

I see what you mean @MI5. I want to get as much information as possible so feedback from the OP would be great

If you do a quick search on the forum you will find many others with the same problem who can provide you feedback, but the message is the same everytime....

Phone turned off or data turned off and then suddenly a text from O2 saying all data has been used !

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 7 of 12

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Iphone and high data usage seems to be a match made in heaven. The problem is that it doesn't affect everyone therefore in o2's opinion it's down to the user. The user switches network and problem sorted. Indeed @MI5 had the same issue. Outcome, change network and problem fixed overnight. To stress a point, this is a network issue reported not only here, but on many different communities. 

Message 8 of 12

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Since installing iOS 9, as a precautionary measure I've been noting the amount of data I have remaining every night before switching my iPhone off. I'm going to do this for another week.


So far I'm using exactly what I have personally used. But as I mentioned earlier, the issue has always happened as regular as clockwork within the first week of the new iOS been installed and the only thing that has changed for me this year, is that I have switched network.


I visit other mobile network community forums and I'll post on here if I hear of similar stories on those forums, but so far I haven't noticed any and I'm sure this has been mentioned before (i.e that you don't see mention of it elsewhere).

Message 9 of 12

Not applicable

Just to update this thread.


I've been keeping a check on how much allowance I have left, before switching my phone off at night since I installed iOS 9 (3+ weeks ago) and I haven't had the issue with this iOS update. Whereas previously with every new iOS update since iOS 6, I had the large amount of data used within the first week of installing the update. And this was when my iPhone was switched off (i.e. I would have two texts from O2 when I switched my iPhone back on saying that I'd used 80 percent and the other text saying I'd used all of the data).


The only thing that's changed for me this year is that I changed network. I think the issue is a longstanding bug in O2's data monitoring system/carrier file. But the weird thing is, that it doesnt affect every user, and that's why I think the issue is still around as its going to be a hard problem to find if not all users are affected.

Message 10 of 12