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iPhone 6 Battery Issues

Level 23: Casual Specs
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Has anybody had any issues with their iPhone 6
Lately? Primarily since the iOS 8.4 update? My battery charges very quickly and drains very quickly.
I've already done the usual hard reset, taking emails off push, waiting for the batter to go below 5% or turn itself off, restored it. Also, sometimes it turns itself off when it is at 5% whereas it used to turn itself off at 1% or 2%.
Message 1 of 9

Not applicable

My friend uses the iPhone 6 and used these tips to try and self diagnose.

Look to the iPhone's Battery internal monitor to see if it highlights any particular App that is using the battery the most.

Settings , General , Usage , Battery Usage.

They connected up to iTunes , then restored and set the iPhone up as a new device. Make a back up to iTunes or iCloud first.

Used it as a new device to see if the battery had the same issues.

Then used the back up to download their information back onto it.

If you have an Apple Store local then you could have tests run on it.

Message 2 of 9

Level 23: Casual Specs
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Thanks for your reply.

I know the basic steps to do when people have battery issues, and the ultimate step of going to the Apple shop.

I was just wondering if anyone else has had these issues just since the 8.4 update.
Message 3 of 9

Not applicable
Didn't notice any issues when I was using 8.4!
Message 4 of 9

Not applicable

I've noticed my battery usage to be higher with 8.4 (on my 6 Plus) but not by a large amount.


I've heard it mentioned (and experienced it myself) that Apple Music uses a fair bit of battery, not sure if you are using Apple Music @gemz4the1.

Message 5 of 9

Level 5: Ponderer
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It may be that you have a rogue app which is using an unusual amount of battery (one which continually runs in the background or continually uses location services when it shouldn't, for example).

My advice, and as @Anonymous suggested, would be to restore the iPhone using iTunes, and to set it up as a new phone. You will need to reinstall your apps, but I've found that it's the most effective way to sort out a lot of issues such as this.

If that still doesn't work, have a chat with an Apple advisor on their website - they will send you a link which will enable you to send them a diagnostic report at the touch of a button. They will soon be able to see if it's a hardware issue and whether a replacement handset might be in order. I did it with my 6 Plus when I noticed my camera was a bit blurry, and they replaced it no questions asked.

Hope this helps a bit slight_smile
I don't care what rank I am and neither should anyone else.
Message 6 of 9

Not applicable

Also try the following:


Go into Settings/Privacy/Location Services then System Services.


Have a look in here and see if "Setting Time Zone" is enabled. This setting basically enables the GPS (all the time) on your iPhone to determine what your location is to set the time zone, but too be honest its not really needed. This setting is a big battery drain.


Also, if you scroll right to the bottom and switch on "Status Bar Icon" this will show you if you have some app/service that is using the GPS on your iPhone.


With this setting enabled, you will see this symbol next to the battery level when you are using an app or service that is using the GPS on your iPhone.



Message 7 of 9

Not applicable
Hi @gemz4the1 have you tried Fatboy's recommendations?
Message 8 of 9

Level 23: Casual Specs
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I have tried Fatboy's suggestion.

I don't have privacy turned on but I checked it anyway and made sure it was turned off.

I have restored it from back up but not as a new phone.

I think it may be an app but I don't know which one.
Message 9 of 9