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What time on billing date is call time and data reset?

Not applicable
Apologies if this is obvious somewhere:
Does the next period's call time and data start at 0001 hrs or 2359 hrs on the billing date?
ie Is usage on the actual billing day counted in the previous period or the new one?
Message 1 of 8

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Had a closer look at past bill, and see that calls made 9am on billing day are in the next period, so I suspect that the rest for the new period happens at 0001hrs on billing day.
Reason for asking is that I am going to reset my usage in the phone at the start of the next period and compare with how it shows up in My O2., and want to do it with some precision.
Message 2 of 8

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Hi there, the new allowance can come into effect at any point on the day before your bill date, but is usually after 8pm, but can be earlier on rare occasions. This is entirely due to having to update the allowances on close to a million accounts every day, which takes time, while making sure the allowances are in place for the start the bill period, which is from midnight.
Message 3 of 8

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Thanks Beaufighter. makes sense.
That makes it a bit difficult to be really precise then.
Is there a way of knowing that new allowance has been started?
How have you discovered that it happens some point usually after 8pm the previous day?
My O2 is not usually accurate as it says on the page.
Message 4 of 8

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A friend of mine worked in customer services until recently and he told me that's how it is done. Generally it doesn't matter to people who always have minutes left over at the end of the month as the point of an allowance is to avoid call charges, not necessarily to use every possible minute, lol. Most people don't notice the change and if your allowance has run out, the sooner it changes the better.
The best thing to do is to assume the allowance starts on thr day its supposed to and then, if a previous nights call was included in the new allowance instead of being charged, its a bonus grin
Message 5 of 8

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No the allowances start on the billing date... see example below:
Billing date is 18th. Allowances run from 00:00 on 18th of month to 23:59 on 17th of the following month.
However, sometimes the billing data for 16th/17th won't appear on the bill until the following month, this is just down to the time it takes to process/aggregate all of the call data - sometimes it misses the bill being produced and gets carried over to the following months bill - however those calls DO get taken from the correct months allowance - i.e., they aren't tken from the following months allowances, they just appear on that bill.
Message 6 of 8

Not applicable
That's not correct. The way I described is why you can sometimes see that you have, say, 597 minutes remaining out of an allowance of 600 on the first day of the bill period before you have made any calls, you may have made a 3 min call the night before.
If it happened the way you describe tjis would never happen, but it's very common.
Message 7 of 8

Not applicable
Agreed, during the month it might show that it comes out of your unbilled/allowance - however when it actually gets posted/billed, it won't - this is the way it works in my experience anyway.
Message 8 of 8