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Unexplained large data use

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Yesterday I had around 120 mb of data left.


I was setting my new iPhone up earlier and received a text message telling me that I had used 80 percent of my allowance. At that point I checked on My O2 app and I had 45 mb remaining, this was around 3 hours ago.


I have just received another text saying that I have used all of my allowance up.


I have my iPhone 6 Plus beside me, on wifi, plugged into my computer and I'm in the process of adding my apps, music etc on to it through iTunes.


I can remember a couple of years ago I had the same thing happen, and it was just after a new iOS release!


Has anyone else had an unexplainable large data use like I have?

Message 1 of 95

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Thanks for posting @Anonymous  It certainly made fascinating reading. Also great to hear from someone who has actually taken the time to research both networks and post the pros and cons of each of them. wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 51 of 95

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Decisions decisions:)

As you say one can only go on experience and sometimes it's better the devil you know.

I'd go for the reduction in o2 tariff but it's your choice.

Choose wisely. wink
Message 52 of 95

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@MI5 wrote:
That's a fair review mate and in all honesty I've not had the text issue on Three either, however my Daughter is still waiting for a text I sent her on Wednesday (o2 to o2) so any network can suffer from this periodically, I guess.....
I have no problem with Three but it doesn't have a signal everywhere (between o2 and Three I can cover 90% of my travels though) so I keep the Three sim going for the places where o2 fails.
As I don't call their CS very often that's not an issue for me but the odd time I have called them I have not had any bother with them either.....

Yeah, perhaps I was unlucky and its not something that usually affects Three.


If you could only choose one network @MI5 based on network reliability, and overall coverage, who would you choose?

Message 53 of 95

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@Bez89 wrote:
Fatboy, I've been having this same issue for a few months now. Came to a head last week, when on the 16th I received my 1gig data allowance, then the next day got a txt saying I'd used all my data. Phoned O2 who are doing an investigation, which they said will take five days. They also gave me 100 mg as a goodwill gesture, and weirdly I've not used that yet. So clearly there's something wrong, re the 1gig used in a day. As I always have data turned off till I need it. Real mystery. 😳

Did O2 get back to you with an answer @Bez89 after the five day investigations?

Message 54 of 95

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@jonsie wrote:

That's quite an indepth bit of research there and never havng used Three it makes a very interesting read for me.

Given the facts and the what you have been offered I would possibly lean towards O2. Sometimes it's better the devil you know....

Yeah good point jonsie about better the devil you know.


My safe side is saying "stop with O2" whereas my more adventurous side is saying "go with Three and you wont have to worry about data amounts" Smiley Very Happy


But I suppose there's more to a network than just data amounts and price I suppose, there's other factors to consider too, such as coverage, reliability.

Message 55 of 95

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@Anonymous wrote:
Decisions decisions:)

As you say one can only go on experience and sometimes it's better the devil you know.

I'd go for the reduction in o2 tariff but it's your choice.

Choose wisely. wink

Erm, I think if I do decide to stay with O2 and I recontacted them and mentioned the offers I'd been offered from O2 at an earlier date. I might try and push them a bit more on price, it just needs to be a little bit sweeter on price, even just a couple of pounds, us northerners don't like to part with cash Smiley Very Happy


I don't think I'll get it, but sometimes it pays to be a little bit cheeky and ask, if you don't ask, you'll never know wink


Like I said earlier, 15 years is a long time to spend with a network, it gives you a really good insight into how reliable they are, coverage. And O2 have always satisfied me on those points. LIke you and jonsie have said. 'sometimes its better the devil you know'

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I agree with the comment 'If you don't ask you don't get' @Anonymous  I use it often when doing most types of business. I have been accused of having 'the cheek of the devil'...but that is generally when I have achieved a reduction in price of goods or services. Best of luck with your bartering.. wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 57 of 95

Not applicable

@Cleoriff wrote:

I agree with the comment 'If you don't ask you don't get' @Anonymous  I use it often when doing most types of business. I have been accused of having 'the cheek of the devil'...but that is generally when I have achieved a reduction in price of goods or services. Best of luck with your bartering.. wink

Yeah, my other half hates going into a shop with me when we are going for something that's fairly expensive as I always ask for a discount when I'm paying cash. She says 'don't you dare ask for discount, it embarassed me' but I always ask lol.

Message 58 of 95

Not applicable

I forgot to mention earlier on my test results/review that I done a small test on mobile data between Three and O2. Both were done over 3G.


What I did was I went on You Tube and watched the same 7 minute video and observed the following:


1: How much data was used on Three and on O2.


2: How quickly the video fully buffered between Three and O2.


3: Any difference in picture quality between Three and O2.


Here's what I found:


Playing the 7 minute video over Three’s mobile data network used 47.7 mb of data.


Playing the 7 minute video over O2’s mobile data network used 31.11 mb of data.


The 7 minute video fully buffered on Three in 53 seconds.


The 7 minute video took 4 minutes 37 seconds to fully buffer on O2.


Video quality was much better on Three where the quality remained pretty much the same throughout.


Video quality on O2 started off much fuzzier and remained like this till further into the video, where it then improved to pretty much the same quality as Three. This would explain why when playing the video over O2’s mobile data network it used less data, hence the lower quality for longer into the video. And also Three using more mobile data as the video quality was higher throughout. Obviously on one of Three’s all you can eat/unlimited data plan, data amounts would be a none issue.


To be fair on O2. The video was watchable (despite the lower quality) and there was no buffering either on Three or O2, despite the longer time it took to fully buffer the video on O2.

Message 59 of 95

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That makes sense and bearing in mind the congestion being suffered at the moment with O2 until the upgrades are finished. My fear would be how Three will cope if their network gets over subscribed and just how much money is being invested in their network improvements. Tying into a long contract is one thing but little to lose really on a sim only 30 day contract.

This is something I will have to consider when I upgrade later this month, at the moment I'm leaning to EE though I may go for a 30 day Simplicity on O2 now that 4G is in the area. I may even keep the unlimited data legacy tariff on the backup phone.

Message 60 of 95