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Customer service by O2 IM

Not applicable

Welcome to O2. Someone will be with you soon.

You're through to 'O2 : Rocky'

Rocky: Hi I'm O2 : Rocky. How can I help?

Adam Walters: hi rocky I was wondering if you can help me what information do you need to get my file up?

Adam Walters: my name is Adam Walters mobile number *******

Adam Walters: hello.....

Rocky: Thanks for waiting.

Rocky: Can you please elaborate on your query?

Adam Walters: yes I would like to change over to the car phone warehouse but would like to keep my current number. Ideally I would like to stay with O2 but I don't think you can offer me a deal close to what they are offering.

Adam Walters: I phone 5 unlimited calls and text 1GB data, Phone £99 and monthly bill £27.

Rocky: I'll be happy to help you.

Adam Walters: you still there?

Adam Walters: sorry just got your response ignore my last one.

Adam Walters: could you see if it is possible for me to pay the outstanding amount of my contract and see if you can match the deal?

Rocky: Yes As I can see that your currently in contract so if you just upgrade now then you have to pay early upgrade fees.

Adam Walters: could you give me an idea of figures please?

Rocky: If you want I can transfer you chat to sales team where you can get the details of new contract and ask for the matching prices deals also once you get the new contract you can transfer this number over the new contract as the number gets transferred you this contract will automatically disconnected and the final bill will generated with the termination fees.

Adam Walters: that would be great thank you very much.

Adam Walters: will they have the details we have discussed as I only have 15mins left on lunch?

Rocky: As your in the contract if you agree to pay early upgrade fees then I can transfer you chat to upgrade team where you can see the best deals with us but for this you have to pay early upgrade fees.

Adam Walters: thats fine could we do this ASAP?

O2 : Rocky is having technical problems and can't chat. Hold on while we put you through to someone else.

You're through to 'O2 : Vicky'

Vicky: Hi

Adam Walters: Hi Vicky are you on the sales team?

Vicky: Adam, I'm a pay monthly advisor, do you wish to have a chat with sales team?

Adam Walters: I was told that’s who Rocky was sending me through to could we do this ASAP? as I only have 10mins left on lunch.

Vicky: No worries.

Vicky: I'm transferring this chat to our sales team who'll help you with your concern. Please stay connected with us.

Adam Walters: sorry to seem short just been waiting ages for replies from rocky and nearly taken my whole lunch.

We’re putting you through to the right person, won’t be long.

You're through to 'Lily'

Adam Walters: hi lily are you on the sales team?

Lily: Hi there. My name's Lily I am an O2 Sales advisor, how can I help you today?

Adam Walters: hi just wondering if I could upgrade early as I have seen a deal with car phone warehouse I phone 5 £99 for phone £27 monthly bill inclusive of unlimited calls, text and 1GB data.

Lily: Hi there. My name's Lily I am an O2 Upgrades advisor, how can I help you today?

Lily: I'll transfer you to our Customer Service team and they'll help you further. Please be online.

We’re putting you through to the right person, won’t be long.

You're through to 'O2 : Ashish'


Ashish: Hi

Adam Walters: are you sales?

Ashish: I am from customer services not from sales.

Adam Walters: I have spent an hour trying to get put through to sales only for them to pass me back to customer service. are you kidding me?

Adam Walters: do your team receive training?

Ashish: Oh just stay online while I'll put you through to sales team.

We’re putting you through to the right person, won’t be long.

You're through to 'Daz'

Daz: Hi there. My name's Daz I am an O2 Sales advisor, how can I help you today?

Adam Walters: If so you should look at getting new trainers. I wish to upgrade early could you put me through to a competent member of staff?? do you have a member of staff that could deal with this? I have spent my lunch wasting my time to stay with your company.

Adam Walters: I wish to upgrade early PLEASE say you can help me Daz

Adam Walters: sorry about this I know this is the first you have dealt with but I hae been messed around for an hour patients is growing thin.

Adam Walters: have*

Daz: Let me read your above conversation quickly.

Adam Walters: just want to upgrade early seen a deal with carphone warehouse for the I phone 5 £99 for phone and £27 a monly unlimited text and calls 1 GB of data.

Daz: Yes I understand your concern , sorry for all trouble.

Daz: Please can you tell me the 3rd and 5th character of the answer to your security question?

Adam Walters: no problem is this something you can do and could you give me figures?

Adam Walters: *****

Adam Walters: ****** is the security question

Daz: **** is the security answer?

Daz: ?

Adam Walters: yes to my *******

Daz: Fine.

Daz: I see your upgrade date is 21/05/2013.

Adam Walters: yep that’s why I wish to upgrade early

Daz: So you wont be upgrade it early , you can pay termination fee to cancel your existing contract.

Daz: Would you like to check termination fee?

Adam Walters: would I be able to keep the same number and would you be able to match the deal? your team so far haven't been helpful or correct on much.

Adam Walters: surely by that date it would be a upgrade not "early upgrade"

Daz: For termination fee

Daz: I'll transfer you to our Customer Service team and they'll help you further. Please be online.

We’re putting you through to the right person, won’t be long.

You're through to 'O2 - Sorte'

Sorte: Hi I'm O2 - Sorte. How can I help?

Adam Walters: Are you kidding me?

Sorte: please wait while I go through the above chat

Adam Walters: I'm sorry but you IM team both sales and customer service have provided neither all I want to do is stay with O2 and get a new phone. please read previous convo and let me know when your caught up.

Adam Walters: I'm not sure I should be staying with O2 as you don't know how to use the services you provide. I have wasted my lunch and am now talking to whilst trying to do my work.

Sorry, your chat's ended - but we can't tell why. Please try again if you need more help.

Message 1 of 18

Not applicable
Me too Stuart.

The only issue I've had I store which is the same for all the Network Shops is when you visit with a faulty handset ,and they batten down the hatches quickly quoting "It has to go away for repair".. And that's even when the handset is quite new !
Message 11 of 18

Not applicable

sprite, let me first apologise, this obviously shouldn't have happened. It's great to see you've posted the example on the forum, as it's currently extremely relevant. Let me share why:

Two of my colleagues are with our webchat teams for the next couple of weeks to introduce a new way of working.  They're training them on a system where we'd like agents to "own" the problem and solve the issue right there and then. Working through such a system means that these kinds of things shouldn't be happening any more, so this a prime example of what we're trying to resolve.

I've forwarded this thread to our trainers so they have a timely and relevant example which they can use in their training sessions. So, thanks again for sharing, it will definitely help improve our webchat service.


Message 12 of 18

Level 94: Supreme
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Excellent news Leonard. Glad to see some of our suggestions are working their way through to help improve things.....
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 13 of 18

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Nice one buddy, lets hope this works out for the best
Message 14 of 18

Level 44: Clearly Talented
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I look forward to being able to recommend using live chat:) rather than clogging up the phone lines more.

To be honest it seems to be script based so no reason customers couldn't get in on rewriting the script to make it more efficient:)
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 15 of 18

Not applicable

Just wanted to add that I've used the Chat function twice to query issues on my account and both times they have been dealt with suitably.


I did get a little frustrated with the "scripting", and glad I didnt have the same problem of being passed from pillar to post like the OP, but I guess from the sounds of it that my experience might be an exception to the norm Smiley Very Happy

Message 16 of 18

Not applicable

Hi Leonard

Great to hear that there is information you can use. I have always been happy with O2 I have even spoken to Linda Burns today and this is one member of staff you need to look after she knows her stuff done everything she possible could for me.

I hope that the training goes well. I have to ask why O2 or any company would put people how were not properly trained into a position where they are dealing with customers???

I would like to leave this on a high note and am glad that my experiance can help future customers and O2 as a company.  It has also driven me to find this forum and I will be using it for future interactions with O2.

Message 17 of 18

Not applicable
Great ending Sprite.

Hope to see you as a regular on the boards.

Take care.
Message 18 of 18