on 12-09-2015 17:59
on 12-09-2015 17:59
I have a MotoG and on the lockscreen there is the option to make an emergency call (i.e. to 999 or equivelant) without unlocking the phone.
Is there any way of accessing (and ideally calling) emergency contact details from the lockscreen?
on 12-09-2015 18:14
on 13-09-2015 10:23
Nope, this doesn't happen. I "slide up" the call button from the lock screen it shows me a single button labelled "emergency call" that takes me to a call screen which only allows entry of 999 or similar. Hitting back only takes you back to the standard unlock screen. There are no other buttons, greyed out or otherwise except for the unlock pad.
on 13-09-2015 10:43
on 13-09-2015 11:34
on 13-09-2015 11:34