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Wifi Tethering on O2 mobile internet NAT type issues - How to change from Strict to Open??

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Hi all,


First time posting round here.

Ive had a good old search of the forum for help regarding this.


Wanted to Tether my mobile internet to my PS Vita, Unfortunatly the NAT is strict.

From what Ive read, its possibly due to the method of connection, IE PS3 and Vita dont reupport Adhock connections (not for gaming anyway)


HOWEVER... Freind came round who is on EE, Conected without issue..??...


Is there any way I can improve the NAT?

Sureley this is something O2 can help me with?


At first I thaught it might be a Kernel/Rom based issue, However I have been a long standing member of XDA and have trialed and tested a number of them now, cant see and diffrence.


Testing included a number of free & paid Tethering apps as well.


I know alot of people have looked in to port forwarding, But TBH I cant see any one pulling it off successfully Cat Sad


Any help on the matter would greatly be appreciated.


Thanks for your time to read the post wink

Message 1 of 5

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Wow this is a bit of a mind boggler.

I think the only way of doing this would to spoof the adhoc making it appear as a standard hotspot.

However I was under the impression that adhoc simply used the orginal ip of the device it was drawing bandwidth from. If that is the case then surely allowing the phone to act as a dongle would solve this issue. (Beyond my programming ability)

Unfortunatly the 3G isn't as customise able as wifi is.
so in regards to open nat I'm unsure if its O2 that has this locked as default or weather it's somthing the phone has set. Obviously latter is solveable former is probally impossible.

I'm searching for an app or add in that would achieve this for you but drawing a blank so far.

Which phone and which software are you running?
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 2 of 5

Not applicable

Hi Liquid, thanks for the help looking in to this.


I'm running a Galaxy S II - or the I9100 (not the G,T etc variant)

Rom wise, I'm flittering quite a bit as I help testing and looking for bugs, hence I can say I have comprehensively checked a lot of roms slight_smile


Here are a few:




 [ROM 4.1.2 - 4.2] JELLYBAM - v3.3.0 [29/12] [i9100] [PA.AOKP.CM10]


[ROM] 4.1.2 PARANOIDANDROID 2.54 | Per-App COLOR (newest PA invention), Dpi & UserInterface


[DEV][GT-I9100][JB][4.2.1] CyanogenMod 10.1 development thread


[ROM] -03/01/2013- OlloS2 Armageddon RoM 4.1.2 AED !!!


[ROM][ICS 4.0.4][19/09][XWLPT] SensatioN ROM 4.1


[ROM][JB 4.1.2][OS YAMAHA][PA2.55][AOKP-ML1][CM10]P.A.C True All in 1 ROM[27/11][V18]


[ROM][4.1.2][31 Dec] Biftor™JB Romv4.7[fast«»smooth«»Full Transparent«»stable][XXLSJ






[KERNEL][Multi-ROM|JellyBean] Team Skyfire - Code: Dream-IRC [CWM/TWRP] 10/01/2012


Hell, I've even tried these slight_smile


[ROM][SENSE][SENSE4ALL] Sense 4.0 PORT HOX Based 4.0.3 ALPHA Release [08/07]




My current Rom, for now wink


[ROM][4.2.1][AOKP/CM] GT-I9100/I9100P Vanilla RootBox [06/01][v3.4][Nightlies]


I know quite a few people have looked in to doing it with a PS3, ironically I got it to work even with a Strict Nat wink


But the Vita is proving Hard, I had nearly just accepted it wont work when a friend came over and managed it no problem on his EE contract.... I wasn't impressed to say the least....


I'm still trawling the net for any advice, if you need anything just let me know.


Thanks again for the help Liquid wink


Message 3 of 5

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I haven't helped yet slight_smile

Your friends contract was that on the same phone as your own?
(Would help to know if its hardware or network end that's the problem)

Was your friend using adhoc? If not how'd he set his up to act essentially as a repeater?

Despite hours of searching I cannot find O2 network specifics eg ports, nat and so on.


out of interest are the vitas customiseable? Could you remove the restriction on adhocs in the vitas os?

Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. So Ive been told wink
Message 4 of 5

Not applicable


Having same issue with PS4, can't find working solution anywhere!

Message 5 of 5