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Wi-Fi calling not working on more 8 from cpw

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I received a message from O2 saying tu go was closing down and to use Wi-Fi calling. I have a Samsung galaxy note 8 on O2 network from Carphone Warehouse. I activated wifi calling on my phone on the website and that was successful. However the firmware on the phone is not at the correct version and it says i am on latest version when trying a software update. So no wifi calling options on the phone. Could anyone tell me what if anything I am doing wrong?
Message 1 of 14

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I had a really odd conversation by Twitter and o2 tech support regarding my samsung s8 and wifi calling with o2.


So ...  the o2 samsungs8 have the firmware installed which has CSC which enables the wifi calling


The CPW has the standard firmware released by Samsung and mine has G950FXXU1AH3, which if you look oline is the very latest version released, which is newer then o2s.


o2 said that the phones need to have the version that includes the wifi calling, which the CPW does.  So then they have told me that we have to wait until the next firmware update is released by samsung by the end the of the year to resolve this, which is expected to be android 8. 


All this still dosnt make sense as other mobile networks like 3, have enabled wifi calling on lower version of the firmware.


Then there is the question that the mobile phone provider has to enable this on devices or the supplier, this is where CPW said it was o2 and o2 said it was the firmware and I couldnt get either to confirm which way.  But if you look online it is the supplier.

Message 11 of 14

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You need o2 specific firmware for it to work.
The version makes no difference but it must be an o2 csc.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 12 of 14

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think you may need to re-read the post early as o2 have said they are awaiting to make the wifi calling on phones with out the o2 firmware... so csc will never be install

Message 13 of 14

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But currently it is so you can’t get it working.
I’ll also believe it when I see it as customer service are saying anything to placate customers over the loss of Tugo currently.
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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Message 14 of 14