on 23-03-2022 21:31
I’ve been having a nightmare really. Tried calling O2 about this and got nowhere. I’m having an issue with my service where I can receive all other text messages fine but not any OTP’s and SMS where it shows a name instead of a number (I.e LLOYDSBANK or AMAZON instead of a short number 0020200)
I’ve tried network resets, factory resets. Customer services have added and lifted bars to see if that does it. Nothings worked. I tried putting my sim into an old android phone. It received some of the OTP’s I’ve requested over the past few days but stopped there and wouldn’t receive any new ones.
I’ve tried everything and the fact that both my IPhone and my old android phone are having issues with OTPs tell me it’s an issue on O2s side.
on 06-12-2023 20:36
on 06-12-2023 20:36
You have posted onto the end of a thread that was last active eighteen months ago, hence the absence of a response.
I am tagging @DavidAllan and @ffiscool in case they are still active on this forum.
on 06-12-2023 22:28
on 06-12-2023 22:28
In my case, I was a new O2 customer, not porting in a number. O2 ended up having to escalate it to their network team, who deactivated my number on the network and set everything up from scratch. It looked like when their system provisioned my account, something went wrong which caused my issues.
on 07-12-2023 19:06
on 07-12-2023 19:06
Thanks for the input ; it sounds like your issue was something of a one-off.