Pay Monthly
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Pay Monthly board!

Hi everyone, Welcome to the Pay Monthly board! If you have a Pay Monthly contract or are thinking of getting one then this is the board where you can ask questions to other community members. If your question is about your account please remember thi...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
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Resolved! Charge Abroad

I have only been in usa less than 24 hours not used phone at all , horrified to see £42.93 charged to my account. Attempted to get help and advice before travelling but never any online agents so decided not to use phone over here. Been trying all mo...

Problem with port of number from Three to o2

Hello guys, I have been reading some of the other posts re people having problems porting their number with a creeping sense of dread! My old number from Three was supposed to port over today 4/5/22 and so far it hasn’t worked. I now cannot receive o...

PaulMcc by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! No service

Hi there got my pac code from sky yesterday and gave it to o2 yesterday Service from sky stopped today so put my new o2 sim in to fone today and it connected to o2 network straight away but only worked with temporary number on sim not my old number f...

JB1199 by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Data not working after bar lifted.

Due to personal issues I’ve fallen behind with DD payment. Spoke to 02 customer services who removed the bar on services and allowed an extension to pay my bill. However my data isn’t working. issue is currently caring for a terminally Ill father so ...

Resolved! Unable to receive texts after sim swap

I just upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy S20 5G. I did the sim swap yesterday as previously had a 4G phone. I can now make and receive calls and send text messages but I am unable to receive any texts. Its been over 24 hours since the sim swap. My old s...

TraceyM by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Leave o2

Hi , i would like to cancel my o2 contract asap please , because i left country . I was on hold for 40minutes and still no answer . Thank you

Indreta by Level 1: Joiner
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Resolved! Phone data usage being counted as tethered data

My SIM/account is behaving as if I don’t have unlimited data (I have an old account with unlimited data, with a 750MB/day tethering allowance). I get warning texts when I come close to using 750MB of data in a day and then can’t use data after 750MB....