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When my airtime plan end date?

Level 1: Joiner
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I have a custom30 day airtime plan linked with an iPhone 14 device plan (September 22 iPhone 14 launch date)

can you please tell me when my airtime plan unlinks from the device plan and what happens from that point. I don’t want the airtime plan as it is not worth the cost. But I will still need to pay the remaining monthly device payments. 

I’ve read the terms and conditions and the help guide and it doesn’t tell you what actually happens or what I need to do. Or how to find this information online. 

on my tariff section on my o2 app, it’s says my contract end October 2022?? Which is very confusing and frustrating. 

i have a screenshot but I can’t find any info on how to upload to the forum here.


many thanks 

Message 1 of 3

Level 69: Guiding Light
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Unlinking occurs after 2 years on 2 year or above phone contracts. After which you can do what you please re the airtime element 



This is not O2 and we are all customers here similar to yourself and cannot answer account type queries.
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Level 94: Supreme
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You need to call O2 and tell then you want to cancel the airtime portion of your contract.

The device payments will continue to be taken by your direct debit.

Guide: How to find help & contact O2 

I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
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