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SPLIT PORT and bad customer service

Level 1: Joiner
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Why people who are giving answers in o2 cimmunity do not work in customer service?! Why I have to call o2 try to find a reason for not receiving messages or calls, and they do not have even clue that it could be split port or split service (whatever)? Why all this companies suck because they hire unprofessional people with no knowledge and manners, who will not look into your problem and just keep appologising? We as a customers need actions and people with brain in customer service! Two weeks with this problem and I moved to another network second swap in the month. Two weeks have to deal with 3 providers and still not solution found. We all are on carantine and we all experience problems, but this is just luck of profesionality. You recommend to call 202, but I get more informatio here  than from  actual o2 workers.

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Level 94: Supreme
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Customer service tend to send people here for problems they can't answer.

This community is made up partly of long standing members who have years of knowledge accrued either by sharing with each other or by personal experience

This is exactly what the community is and it isn't just our community here, many such communities exist to help each other as customers.

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