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My Card was stolen. Can't pay bill :(

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Just before christmas my Wallet was stolen and i had money taken out of my account. lloyds Put a bar on it and it's being investigated now. I have since had two seperate Debit cards sent out but all of them have still had the block on them due to a error at the Bank. I will be getting a new card on the 18th-23rd which i have been told WILL work.
My bill was due on the first but i need to pay it by the 16th. I contacted an advisor online to ask if i could pay by cash. Unfortunatly that doesn't seem an option. I called earlier today and asked if i could pay with a family members card and was told i can't. I am now stuck. I don't mind getting cut off for a few days but i am worried about it affecting my credit report etc. Last time i went a day over i got a letter saying they were going to take action. Is there ANYWAY i can pay without using my card? I have the money sat right next to me lol

P.s I don't want to set up a direct debit. In the past i have had trouble with DD phone contracts. When i was with Vodafone they took out (£100) randomly and then i had to waittwo weeks to get it back. I also had something similar happen with Orange.   

Message 1 of 31

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As long as the cardholder is present, and gives verbal permission to the customer advisor, you CAN pay using someone elses card, it happens more often than anyone would think, even for refresh accounts

Message 31 of 31