on 16-10-2023 20:37
I am asking this on the behalf of my mum. We currently live in South Kent and have never been abroad. However, my Mum has been charged because she was apparently been in France. We have never left the UK. My mum has been forced to pay around £400 so far with another £180 due next month. She has tried to explain but has been told she needs to pay unless she can prove she hasn't left the UK, which is impossible. Is there anything she can do?
on 16-10-2023 20:48
First off you can roam in France for free.
Secondly, manually select O2 in the phones network settings so the phone doesn't have a chance to connect to a French network.
on 16-10-2023 21:09
on 16-10-2023 21:09
@Chris6765 Who told her she needed to pay that amount? Did she receive a letter or email, or did someone call her? It sounds like she's been scammed. See the links below:
She needs to speak to the Payment Management Team on 0800 902 0217.
The opening times are:
Monday to Friday – 8am to 8pm
Saturday – 8am to 6pm
Sunday – 9am to 6pm
on 16-10-2023 21:15
on 17-10-2023 19:39
@MI5 said "I'm not sure how to prove that you have never been abroad but common sense should be obvious what this is".
You probably cannot prove this, but if you have dates and times when your mother was said to be abroad, you might be able to gather circumstantial evidence to disprove the supposition :-
1. are there any appointments that you can point to that would put her in England at the time - dentist, doctor, podiatrist, hairdresser, dentist etc ?
2. are there any in-person credit or debit card transactions that would put her in England at the time - shopping, supermarket, petrol etc ?
3. did you mother sign for any parcels or receive any visitors that would put her in England at the time ?
Certainly, 2 above won't be conclusive but it is a matter of building as strong a case as you can.
on 17-10-2023 19:51
I've been thinking about this and depending on phone, Google location history might prove the point.
Google Maps Timeline - Android - Google Maps Help