on 22-05-2020 13:35
I've had my Apple Watch for a while which was connected to my previous Iphone however, since upgrading my handset, my mobile data on my watch does not work.
Although I am pyaing monthly for the service, I am not getting it.
I have tried resetting them, syncing them, almost everything but keep getting the 'Error code 30'.
Can anyone help?
on 22-05-2020 13:37
Customer service need to move it to your new account.
Call them Guide: Coronavirus Community Help and Support
The number ending in 4005 is a good one to try.
on 22-05-2020 14:38
on 22-05-2020 14:38
Just spoken to them but the rep on the phone could not help as she does not deal with apple watches, which is a little frustrating.
I've worked out the watch was still linked to my previous phone (same account) so I have unpaired it however still getting the same error.
I'm assuming that O2 need to sync it with my new phone, although it is the same number/sim as the previous phone.
on 22-05-2020 16:07
on 22-05-2020 16:07
Only customer service can do it unfortunately.