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sleeping BEEuties

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Autumnal Bucket

Talking recently about the autumn bucket list ~

This is part of my October must do

Clean my Osmia Rufa  (Red Mason Bees) 

Solitary bees nesting in tubes (or naturally in holes in brickwork/trees etc.)

I keep them as a hobby and they are great early pollinators for apple, pear, plum trees 

They are sweet and gentle do not sting

I take each tube and carefully remove each silk cocoon one by one for cleaning (34 tubes this year)

average bees in tubes 7

Each Cocoon now contains a fully developed bee in hibernation/sleeping for waking up in Spring.

This is one of nature's miracles

I clean them to save as many from pollen mites or may have fly predators putting in their eggs in the tube.

They have a sand bath in kiln dried sand to remove dirt and debris

This year they had a mild bleach bath because they all have to stay in one box so can't

let any other cocoon be infected with anything as I would lose the lot.

Photos of the bees

WP_20181008_14_35_25_Pro.jpgThe female bee puts in a mud plug between each of the cells she puts in pollen and lays her egg. Finally she plugs the end with mud.   It looks impossible to get out but they do.

WP_20181009_10_19_48_Pro.jpgEveryone having a sand bath

WP_20181010_12_15_40_Pro.jpgEveryone in clean and ready for Spring in their wood box

WP_20181010_12_18_33_Pro.jpgSee you all in Spring when I put you all out in the release box.

Happiness is Bee Shaped


Message 1 of 68

Not applicable

@TallTrees wrote:

Hi @Anonymous


Mostly likely you had wasps in your wardrobe and they definitely needed to be dealt with as they can be and are very dangerous (see Martin-O2 comment in thread)


Wasps often nest under roof tiles. Can be left if not in your way.  Must not be allowed to get into lofts though.


Taking care of the Bumblebee was commendable!  If I see them like that I place them out of the way in a quiet spot.  I think they drop down from exhaustion.


I am glad you enjoyed my post re my dear little bees.  Looking foward to Spring to see them again!


The saddness is all bees are in decline ~ but NOT in my garden if I have anything to do with it!!

Flowery garden make happy bees.




is upset because of Trump ~ don't worry Bambino there are many people in the US who feel the care for the Land and environment ~ they will defeat Trump's lack of care ~ he can't last forever.  



I have made a 'male-hen up' @TallTrees ... because of my 'Slack Alice' way of communicating on the community forum ... ... ... @Bambino is an American who used to live in London, I believe he is from New York ... I know Bambino will not mind me explaining myself away, particularly so considering his recent thread on how to post more effectively using 'Grammarly' ... ... ... I apologise to both of you gentlemen @TallTrees & @Bambino

I doff my cap to you two, touch forelock, do a deep & graceful curtsey ... ... ... Have I grovelled enough?

Message 41 of 68

Not applicable



Message 42 of 68

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Hi @Anonymous


I have made a 'male-hen up' @TallTrees ... because of my 'Slack Alice' way of communicating on the community forum ... ... ... @Bambino is an American who used to live in London, I believe he is from New York ... I know Bambino will not mind me explaining myself away, particularly so considering his recent thread on how to post more effectively using 'Grammarly' ... ... ... I apologise to both of you gentlemen @TallTrees & @Bambino

I doff my cap to you two, touch forelock, do a deep & graceful curtsey ... ... ... Have I grovelled enough?



Thanks for the message


  ***With regard to Bambino's Grammar Thread ~ I do not share that view and therefore did not leave a comment.  I believe that Communication is more important than Grammar.***


PS ~ I was enjoying our discussions re wasps, bees and gardens irrespective of whether you or I can Grammar or spell it right! Don't know


Spelling is another subject!  Just because someone thought that words should be spelt one way or another doesn't necessarily make sense or make it right ~ and we sure have some humdingers! Don't know


Stay Cool ~   Don't know


Message 43 of 68

Not applicable

@TallTrees wrote:

Hi @Anonymous


I have made a 'male-hen up' @TallTrees ... because of my 'Slack Alice' way of communicating on the community forum ... ... ... @Bambino is an American who used to live in London, I believe he is from New York ... I know Bambino will not mind me explaining myself away, particularly so considering his recent thread on how to post more effectively using 'Grammarly' ... ... ... I apologise to both of you gentlemen @TallTrees & @Bambino

I doff my cap to you two, touch forelock, do a deep & graceful curtsey ... ... ... Have I grovelled enough?



Thanks for the message


  ***With regard to Bambino's Grammar Thread ~ I do not share that view and therefore did not leave a comment.  I believe that Communication is more important than Grammar.***


PS ~ I was enjoying our discussions re wasps, bees and gardens irrespective of whether you or I can Grammar or spell it right! Don't know


Spelling is another subject!  Just because someone thought that words should be spelt one way or another doesn't necessarily make sense or make it right ~ and we sure have some humdingers! Don't know


Stay Cool ~   Don't know

@TallTrees I read your post above early today on my mobile phone ... just been a busy day ... a good friend needed me & as good friends that we are here in Skipton, the town in which I live = we got together for a natter slight_smile

THANK YOU @TallTrees for your kind, understanding & informative post above bouquet

I'm enjoying a Virtual mojito or more in the Virtual Lounge, having opened up the bar ... @blissgirl is there having a diet coke ... @Anonymous what is your drink of choice? ... @dgilbert2 how about meeting up in The Virtual Lounge for a drink? ... ... ... my round Cheers

Message 44 of 68

Not applicable

@TallTrees,Thinking about the phrase 'The Bees Knees'

I wonder, is it something to do with maybe the pollen gathering on the legs of the bumble bee?

Message 45 of 68

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The phrase "the bee's knees", meaning "the height of excellence", became popular in the U.S. in the 1920s, along with "the cat's whiskers" (possibly from the use of these in radio crystal sets), "the cat's pajamas" (pajamas were still new enough to be daring),

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 46 of 68

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Hi @Anonymous



THANK YOU @TallTrees for your kind, understanding & informative post above bouquet

I'm enjoying a Virtual mojito or more in the Virtual Lounge, having opened up the bar ... @blissgirl is there having a diet coke ... @Curmudgeon what is your drink of choice? ... @dgilbert2 how about meeting up in The Virtual Lounge for a drink? ... ... ... my round Cheers



THAT SOUNDS FANTASTIC !  must try and get there ~ what are the directions?


Message 47 of 68

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Hi @Cleoriff


I think you are right ~ possible that bee keepers thought of it too !?Good Idea


Message 48 of 68

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@TallTrees wrote:

Hi @Cleoriff


I think you are right ~ possible that bee keepers thought of it too !?Good Idea

Very likely. wink

Oh and this is the way to the Virtual Lounge Virtual Lounge

A place where we eat, drink, chat and generally have a bit of a laugh. Dance

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 49 of 68

Not applicable

And then there’s the other use of the ‘bees knee’ for the weak or weedy..


‘I’ve seen more meat on a bees knee’

Message 50 of 68