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"Not the Election!" Brain Teaser - Tues 02 July 2024

Level 47: Going Places
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Welcome to the "Not the Election!" Brain Teaser



The Brain Teaser is open to all members of the 02 Community.

Those wishing to take part must pm [private message] me [@Mi-Amigo] with their answers between

       9 am today [Tues 02 July 2024] and 9 pm tomorrow [Wed 03 July 2024]

so those who are busy or out-and-about will have a chance to join in.

Please DO NOT post answers on the thread.


I hope our regular quizzers

@Cleoriff @pgn @gmarkj @MI5 @TallTrees @BobM @J9el @Oxonian @Spenny @jonsie [ @Dave-O2 in on leave]

and any other member who enjoys quizzes and puzzles will join in with today`s Brain Teaser .


Brain Teaser Questions

Q1 In the lead-up to the General Election, four people are out canvassing. Each of the four is canvassing for

        a different political party. Three of the four people who are canvassing are DAVID, FIONA, and PETER.

       Is the fourth person who is canvassing - DEREK, HOLLY, POLLY, or STEVE ? 


Q2 Which number is - three quarters of eight nineths of one half of 2001 ?


Q3 Ten people are in a room. Each person in the room has full sight of the entire room.

        Where can an apple be placed so that all but one person can see it ?


Q4 There are three standard playing cards placed in a row.

        The "two" is to the right of the "King". The "Diamond" is to the left of the "Spade".

        The "Ace" is to the left of the "Heart".   The "Heart" is to the left of the "Spade".

         What are the three playing cards ?


Q5 Which of the following words is an anagram of itself ?



Q6 What is the next number in this sequence ....

          1691    1881    1961   


Q7 What is the missing word in the following

            EASY   [ HEAD ]    HARD

            OOZE  [ * * * *]    FACT


Q8 Romeo and Juliet lie dead on the floor of a room. Broken glass and water lies near their bodies on the

        floor of the room. The window of the room is wide open and the curtain blows in the wind.

        How did Romeo and Juliet die ?


Q9 Which three-letter word is missing from this sequqence



Q10 At the last General Election, the Returning Officer announced the results in a constituency

          Candidate A won              with 42% of the votes cast

          Candidate B came second with 36% of the votes cast

          Candidate C came third     with 14% of the votes cast

          Candidate D came fourth  with the remaining 3216 votes cast.

        How many votes, in total, were cast in the constituency ?


Answers; results; and scores will be posted on morning of Thurs 04 July 2024 - Election Day

Last time, only one quizzer got 100%

Can anyone get 100% this time ?



Each member must pm [private message] their answers to me [Mi-Amigo] after 9am today [Tue 02 July 2024] and before 9pm [21.00] Wed 03 July 2024].

No member is to post any answer on the thread.

Any answer received after 9pm [21.00] on Wed 03 July 2024 will be declared void.

No googling, wiki, youtube search for answers - but you may ask family or friends for help 


Please feel free to post any comments on the questions - but not the answers - on this thread.

If you have any questions about the quiz, please ask and I will reply here.


I hope everyone likes this Brain Teaser and finds it fun

Good luck, everyone.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 26

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@gmarkj wrote:

Oooh, so close on Q7!

Those really tested the grey matter. Well done everyone, and thanks @Mi-Amigo 

I know the feeling @gmarkj I put FOOD first, until I went back and checked it!!😂

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 21 of 26

Level 47: Going Places
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Thank you @BobM @MI5 @Cleoriff @gmarkj 

Pleased you enjoyed the Brain Teaser and well done on your scores.

@gmarkj and @Cleoriff 

re-Q7 - I admit that was a sneaky/tricky question which I found and when I first had a go at it I also gave FOOD as my answer before checking the right answer.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 22 of 26

Level 33: Firestarter
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Interesting quiz @Mi-Amigo ; but not really my scene. 👍


Well done to everyone else, particularly our hundred percenters. 😀

Message 23 of 26

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Very Very Difficult ... @Mi-Amigo ... & ... All those regulars taking part 

Intelligence tests from seemingly now very simple beginnings of say a Puzzle Book ?

What is the next in the sequence ?

Fill in the missing blank.

What do the following have in common ?


etc etc etc


Brings me back to my 11+ test all those years ago !!!

We were all put in a room I'd never noticed before. Desks were arranged in 'blocks' to create say 6 desks together making up a bigger 'tables' all around this rather large weird room with no chalkboard. Windows were high up.

We all began ..... new unexpected system of writing in ink pens proper on plain white paper (pre Metric)


Questions on this totally Strange Affair


Only thing I could remember now is 

Draw a dot with a circle around it without you taking your pen off the paper ?

Fold over bottom corner of paper say 1/2" point of dot at paper point then on folded over back of page - turn right side up and join page and draw circle.


All papers were marked and arranged from first to last (none of us to know).

Examiners drew a line as to where they felt pass or fail should be ... = ... then personally interviewed each child 2 above and 2 below the line. My best friend YD was one interviewed = going away from form 4A we agreed that if we passed we'd each choose to go to new Airedale School so we'd continue together. It would mean 2 buses though ?

Our parents were having absolutely none of it what-so-ever ..... we were to go to the local grammar school = bottle green was main colour with accent colour of yellow for school uniform = yes you could apply for a LEA Local Education Authority grant if the family needed it = us kids never know = not obvious to anyone = all done discreetly & no stigma at all.

Mum came with me that meeting where all are sat in rows in the school hall facing the elevated stage with the Deputy Headmaster = Di*k Easterby (much later we were told by Miss OE Benten Senior geography teacher his nickname was 'the Rear Admiral'). Miss OE Benten taught my dad Roy who was a scholarship boy from the town's boys secondary modern school = he was wearing his mum's coat + his mum's shoes = The french master would not allow him to go up and collect the year's prize for French because how he looked = dad never forgave or forgot that kind of attitude shown by someone in a respected / responsible position ....... happily his prize (certificate) for Latin ... & ... Maths were found among dad's very neatly kept family paperwork in repro dark wood 2-door filing cabinet in dining area of their home ....... Dad's education & the total humiliation he felt as a young vulnerable Scholarship Boy came to light & more too darn funny to mention here) when we were gathering information for dad's eulogy in the parish church where he had been head-hunted by to be Verger by the Reverend himself. Just to close by saying Vergering is a 2-man team ... so ... Mum willingly helped out.

Message 24 of 26

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Looking at the time you posted this, it's no puzzle to realise you didn't get much sleep last night? 🤔

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 25 of 26

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'tis true @Cleoriff 

You know me sooo well from my previous stint on O2C 

My posts will come up as 'Anonymous' ..... but ..... my evolved style of keying in words and using my inate sense of using space on the page to break up in a creative way so as to make the post easier to view 

In 'display' you use an odd number 


My previous username in not for me to divulge ... but ... when I last did a browse of a feature using 'Spotlight' in the headline ... = ... members original username were there ..... #'JustSayin' xx slight_smile

Message 26 of 26