on 29-11-2018 17:51
on 29-11-2018 17:51
on 30-11-2018 01:00
on 30-11-2018 01:00
I have gel and my wife carries it everywhere.
Using public loos, I wash, leave the tap running so I don't need to touch it, use the blower then wait for someone to come in or go out then I don't need to touch the door! I now find a crutch comes in handy for a lot of things....
on 30-11-2018 04:58
on 30-11-2018 04:58
@jonsie wrote:I have gel and my wife carries it everywhere.
Using public loos, I wash, leave the tap running so I don't need to touch it, use the blower then wait for someone to come in or go out then I don't need to touch the door! I now find a crutch comes in handy for a lot of things....
Yes, I find my cane very useful for the same reason @jonsie.
on 30-11-2018 07:56
on 30-11-2018 07:56
on 30-11-2018 08:54
on 30-11-2018 08:54
When you have worked in nursing and realise how many infections can be picked up by patients who came in without them, you realise pretty quickly the importance of hand washing and cleanliness.
I'm not proud of the fact that my ward, female orthopaedic, was one of the first in the Midlands to be stricken with the dreaded MRSA virus.
We weren't the cause as it came to us via a patient who had been transferred from one of the large London Hospitals. The precautions we had to take were verging on the ridiculous. We were treated like pariahs at meal times with other staff refusing to sit by us.
All staff were swabbed as well as patients (It must have cost the NHS millions). To this day I still remember the horror of picking up the phone and hearing the words 'Sister, it's path lab, I'm afraid I have bad news'....meaning we had another patient with it and they had to go into isolation.
It was an old type Florence Nightingale type ward without cubicles, so once we had it, it was impossible to stop it.
Eventually we managed to close the ward, by using others for female admissions and we spend 3 solid weeks cleaning and scrubbing everything within an inch of it's life. When I say we, I mean every nurse, auxiliary and well as our own domestic staff) Every bed was dismantled and cleaned, store rooms, curtains, lockers etc etc etc etc.
We were unable to reopen until Path Lab took plates of swabs from everywhere and eventually gave us the thumbs up that we were clear.
It took a year. We were the reason that hand dispensers of antibacterial handrub were installed in every ward in the hospital.
So, although we always thought we knew everything about cleanliess pre MRSA...we certainly knew a lot more 'After the Apocalypse'...
Of course nowadays MRSA is simple to deal with, it's the resistant bacterial infections which came after, that cause the problems of today...
Blimey look at this,,, 'Cleo has written a book'....(again)
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 30-11-2018 09:46
@Anonymous wrote:
Guilty too.. I don't handle toilet doors on the way out & I also carry gel.
If you get the timing right, someone will walk in as you’re about to leave, giving you an open door
Another thing that makes me cringe, is being aware of people using their phone whilst having a pee. Surely that call can wait
on 30-11-2018 09:56
on 30-11-2018 09:56
Clearly the call can't wait @Anonymous. Some people are attached to their phones. I love mine but there is a time and a place, and the toilet is neither
on 30-11-2018 14:25
on 30-11-2018 14:25
No! please tell me that is only a joke @Anonymous ~ on phone and peeing same time When out and about this morning EVERYTHING is under suspicion., trolley handles, atm buttons
Run out of hand steriliser already!
on 30-11-2018 14:36
on 30-11-2018 14:36
@TallTrees wrote:
No! please tell me that is only a joke @Anonymous ~ on phone and peeing same time
When out and about this morning EVERYTHING is under suspicion., trolley handles, atm buttons
Run out of hand steriliser already!
@TallTrees wrote:
No! please tell me that is only a joke @Anonymous ~ on phone and peeing same time
When out and about this morning EVERYTHING is under suspicion., trolley handles, atm buttons
Run out of hand steriliser already!
Off you go back to the shops @TallTrees...and buy some more. In fact you better stock up....
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 30-11-2018 14:50
on 30-11-2018 14:50
on 30-11-2018 14:59
on 30-11-2018 14:59