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World Book Day 23rd April

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A photo of books on a shelf


Hi guys,


Today is World Book Day (although apparently it's usually celebrated slightly earlier in the UK specifically, in March), celebrating books and literature around the world as well as remembering some prominent authors such as Shakespeare and Cervantes. 2019 marks the 24th edition of the World Book and Copyright Day, which this year celebrates literature and reading with a special focus on enhancing and protecting indigenous languages. 


You can see last year's Book Day topic here where @EmilieT asked if you prefer an actual physical book, or a Kindle to read, and it was an interesting discussion! slight_smile


For this year's Book Day, I'd love to hear what books you all are currently reading? What books are on your wish list / future reading list? And who are some of your favourite authors? slight_smile



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What a brilliant topic @Marjo 


Currently reading: The Beatles` Anthology; Jack the Ripper, The Facts [Paul Begg]


Wish list/future reading: Alice`s Adventures In Wonderland; Alice Through The Looking Glass; Just William


Favourite author: Stephen King.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

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Currently reading Connections in Death by JD Robb aka Nora Roberts.


Just finished Sleep by C L Taylor ( psychological thriller)


Favourite author used to be Stephen King but not keen on his new stuff. So would have to say JD Robb and loads of new and upcoming authors who write psychological thrillers.


To be honest I love many genres of books. I read such a lot and the one I choose depends on my mood at the time.




Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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Currently reading a hardback edition of Professor Noel Fitzpatrick aka The Supervet: Listening to the Animals ... also ... Dynasties, the large photo-full book of the tv series by Sir David Attenborough

paper books only ... gave my kindle away

Just like to snuggle down at home or get comfortable in an easy chair in my fave watering hole ... always have a book in my voluminous currently red handbag eg a so my kinda poetry / verse by John Hegley: Can I Come Down Now Dad is the title with a cartoon drawing of dunno if I will be allowed to say this, but here goes *Jesus Christ on the Cross* with a dog in the bottom right hand corner looking up at Jesus ... the author used to be a performer at the Commedy Store ... & ... regularly gives live stage performances of his art now

Spy / thrillers / adventures / Fantasy / Sci-Fi


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Hello @Marjo 

I have lots of books ~ they beckon me as I pass ~ "Read me"

I took one book-case out to clean everyone and put them

back the other week ~ lovely.


My favorite reads are mainly "how to" ~

Gardening Books ~ cook books for ideas ~ Nature books.

I have to read Gardening books  as there is always

something happening in the Garden that needs a look up!

I never read novels.

I like looking at my books as I pass by, all standing up looking like

little soldiers.

I would never use Kindle ~ if needed I would pick up a physical book.

I have got reference books for Spanish and French and appreciate other






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Interesting current reading list @Mi-Amigo ! I think @EmilieT  might find the one about Jack the Ripper interesting too. slight_smile I'm not at all surprised about your future reading list. grin

I also like Stephen King @Cleoriff  but haven't read any of the new stuff since the Dome came out. Are there many? I've actually been reading mostly non-fiction for a few years and it's been somehow difficult to switch back to fiction, although if I find a good fantasy novel series (I enjoyed the Wheel of Time a lot for example) I might get into it again. slight_smile


@Anonymous The animals book sounds like something I'd enjoy too. fox You have fantasy in your list - any favourites that stand out for you? slight_smile


@TallTrees I know that nice feeling of seeing the books on the shelf! slight_smile



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Currently reading Time's Legacy, Barbara Erskine.  


Greg Iles' The Quiet Game is the next on my list. Not read him before so it will be interesting to get to know his style and whether I like him or not. I have other books by him which are part of a series in my Wish List, The Quiet Game being the first. If I like it then I'll buy the others.


I read every genre apart from romance.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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I got a hardback copy of very old illustrated Jabberwocky [just that, not a whole Alice book] from charity shop earlier, so going to enjoy reading that thumbsup


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 9 of 10

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@Marjo wrote:


@Anonymous The animals book sounds like something I'd enjoy too. fox You have fantasy in your list - any favourites that stand out for you? slight_smile


@TallTrees I know that nice feeling of seeing the books on the shelf! slight_smile


@Marjo  A lot of my favourite fantasy books have been made into films eg Lord of the Rings & Harry Potter books


Have you read any of Ursula le Guin ... = ... her Earthsea books are good


Another animal / nature book full of fab photos is Villager Jim's Moorland Wildlife


@TallTrees @Marjo  I too like books on shelves ... in my living room & on the landing dresser


Image result for images of ursula le guin

Ursula le Guin 1996 with her cat Lorenzo


Image result for images of Villager Jim's moorland wildlife



& one for you @TallTrees 

Image result for images of Villager Jim's moorland wildlife


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