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Words Ending Game - Game 5

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Welcome to


Each game will feature three letters

The aim of the game is to find the number of 4 to 10 letter words in the list [in source used],

by adding 1 to 7 letters in front of the given three letters - to form 4 to 10 letter word.

   Today`s three letters are ______________ E  A  T  and the words in the list is 75 words.


Each word in the list will score 1 point.

Each word not in the list will score 1 point + 1 bonus point.


The game will run from 09.00am to 21.00 [9pm] to give those who are working or have commitments to join in at any time and take part after work or later; unless the game is solved sooner.

Please do not post until game starts at 9.00am.


At the end of the game, I will give the "league table" of players and their scores.

If game is not solved by 9.00pm I will also give words in the list which have not been found.


Note: During the game, I will stop the game in order to catch up with posts and to give Updates.

Please wait when asked to.



Each player may post two words in each post.

Player must wait until another player posts before posting again.

TEN MINUTE RULE - if no-one has posted for 10 mins, player may post again BUT if player posts BEFORE

10 mins then reply will be given but player will NOT receive points.

One [1] to seven [7] letters must be posted in front of given three [3] letters to form 4 to 10 letter word.

note - adding more than 7 letters to form word of more than 10 letters is not allowed.

Letters cannot be added after the given letters.

The order of the given letters cannot be changed.

Foreign words are not allowed.

Scottish words are allowed.

American words are allowed.


There will be no star for being faster finger and getting first word; and no trophy for sneaking in at the end and getting last word in the list.


I hope our resident wordsmiths who took part in previous Word Hunt Diamond [WHD] games will join in with this new WORDS ENDING GAME [WEG] inc

@Cleoriff   @pgn    @gmarkj    @TallTrees    @J9el   @BobM  @Dave-O2 

and any other member, who have played previous word games or are new to the 02 Community.


I hope everyone enjoys the game.

Good luck.




Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 157
156 REPLIES 156

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AUTOREPEAT - not in list = 1 point + 1 bonus point

PHOTOTREAT - not in list = 1 point + 1 bonus point


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 151 of 157

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HOTSEAT - in list = 1 point

 and that ends the game


[SHEAT - not in list but doesn`t score any points as after last word in list was found] 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 152 of 157

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Message 153 of 157

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Yippee - Well done @Cleoriff and @Dave-O2 and @BobM and not forgetting the QM, @Mi-Amigo 




Message 154 of 157

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1 - @Cleoriff  = 78 points

2 - @pgn        = 40 points

3 - @BobM     = 29 points

4 - @Dave-O2 =  2 points


Thank you @Cleoriff @pgn @BobM @Dave-O2 for playing.


Unfortunately there were a few problems during the game.

* The game ran at very fast pace early on, which made it difficult to keep up.

Please note, as it says in intro, the game is intended to last longer than WHD games so give those who have commitments a chance to join in later, so please bear that in mind so we can have more taking part.

* Stopping the game. Please try to abide by this, even though the game might be stopped for a while, so I can catch up, and also prevents leapfrogging and me missing posts off Update.

* Updates. Please do check Updates. These do take me quite a while to do, and are for everyones benefit, not least to prevent "given" words.


Sorry for the moan, but thought I should bring it to everyone`s attention so game runs smoother and we can hopefully have more taking part.

Thanks everyone. I hope you, and others, will join in the next WEG which will be in two weeks time on

Tues 10 Oct 2023


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 155 of 157

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Whilst I take your point about it being fast moving at the start, that's just the way it went with myself and @BobM playing.

The rules currently state 'If you were the last one to post, you HAVE to wait 10 mins before posting again'. I stuck to that rule. However, if someone posts after me, then I can go again.

I'm not sure how you expect us to slow the game down?

As far as I'm concerned, if I left the game for 30 mins to do other things on the forum, I would come back to find others had posted in my absence and I would have lost the gist of the game completely. It's how my brain works. That happened towards the end when I cleared off to check other forum posts.

You are the quizmaster of course but I'm simply saying how I feel.

A game is put up to be played, so I play it. I stick to the current rules.

May I respectfully suggest, if you want this game to last longer you need one with a lot more words?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 156 of 157

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Thank you @Cleoriff for your comments.

I know that you keep to the rules and can understand your reasoning about leaving the game and then returning.

One of the reasons that I raised the point about the speed of today`s game was because of the affect it had on me trying to keep pace and for me to avoid missing words posted [which I missed on two occasions].

I appreciate your comment about extending the time span of the game by having a larger target and will bear that in mind when considering the next WEG.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 157 of 157