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Word Scramble: History's Leaders

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Hi everyone!


I have blown the cobwebs off the history books, and scoured the web for some of the most important leaders in history, for this Word Scramble. Not to get too political, but thanks to global events, we have seen a lot of our current world leaders recently - probably, more than we would like to 😪. So, let's ignore them for now and roll back the years...


In this edition, we have 30 world leaders. Some are good, some are bad! But, all in their own right, they were very powerful forces for change. Good luck unscrambling these visionaries, pragmatists, conquerors, and humanitarians.


  • The first 20 have their names scrambled separately [EASY/MEDIUM]
    • Winnie the Pooh = ininew het ooph
  • The last 20 have their names scrambled together [HARD]
    • Winnie the Pooh = wtpneoihonieh

You get 1 point for unscrambling an [EASY/MEDIUM] leader and 3 points for a [HARD] leader.




  1. leeadarxn het raetg [SOLVED] Alexander the Great
  2. agsutusu eaasrc [SOLVED] AUGUSTUS CAESAR
  3. haaatmm handgi [SOLVED]MAHATMA GANDHI
  4. uuislj aaesrc [SOLVED] JULIUS CAESAR 
  5. usfmata mlkae ruktata [SOLVED] MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK
  6. lnstua medhme II [SOLVED] SULTAN MEHMED II
  7. ennlso aeamdnl [SOLVED] NELSON MANDELA
  8. eaoonnpl aorpebnat [SOLVED] NAPOLEON BONPARTE
  9. Mrnait tluerh igkn rj [SOLVED] MARTIN LUTHER KING JR
  10. Tntocanensi eht reatg [SOLVED] CONSTANTINE THE GREAT
  11. Aahrbam cnlloni [SOLVED] ABRAHAM LINCOLN
  12. Ctniaehre eht eargt [SOLVED] CATHERINE THE GREAT
  13. Latop [SOLVED] PLATO
  14. ttoo nov rckmaibs [SOLVED] OTTO VON BISMARCK
  15. sraumc isurelau [SOLVED] MARCUS AURELIUS
  16. tlaati eht unh [SOLVED] ATILA THE HUN
  17. taoerssc [SOLVED] SOCRATES
  18. dabduh [SOLVED] BUDDHA
  19. atrazh amumahdm [SOLVED] HAZRAT MUHAMMED
  20. oajna a'rcd



  1. sjsscuehitr [SOLVED] JESUS CHRIST
  2. niehgsgankh [SOLVED] GENHIS KHAN
  3. ohrtwlnscicihnul [SOLVED] WINSTON CHURCHILL
  4. aitotelrs [SOLVED] ARISTOTLE 
  5. alsneetmcmyaniutefhing [SOLVED] SULEYMAN THE MAGNIFICENT
  6. tenniselrtbeai [SOLVED] ALBERT EINSTEIN
  7. hrrfaegeettlad [SOLVED] ALFRED THE GREAT
  8. nuIzaeeIczdhnab [SOLVED] NEBUCHADNEZZAR
  9. lllglgiaiieoae [SOLVED] GALILEO GALILEI
  10. ibgenIdzelateanfhlo [SOLVED] ELIZABETH I OF ENGLAND

As always, please only one guess per reply, so that everyone has a chance to participate, and also please wait until someone else has guessed after you before you guess again.


So... do we have any historians on the community 🤔


@jonsie @Cleoriff @Mi-Amigo @pgn @Bambino @MI5 @gmarkj @sheepdog @Spenny @Projectionist @J9el @madasaf1sh @BobM @TallTrees @RunrigForever @MAKAZAGA @adelphiaUK @Peterkin1010 and anyone else who I've missed!

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20 JOANA D`ARC - very sneaky @lewys-gp 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 51 of 59

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Phew! Well done, @Mi-Amigo. It was hidden in the sea of [SOLVED] I think 😂.


Final list:




  1. leeadarxn het raetg [SOLVED] Alexander the Great
  2. agsutusu eaasrc [SOLVED] AUGUSTUS CAESAR
  3. haaatmm handgi [SOLVED]MAHATMA GANDHI
  4. uuislj aaesrc [SOLVED] JULIUS CAESAR 
  5. usfmata mlkae ruktata [SOLVED] MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK
  6. lnstua medhme II [SOLVED] SULTAN MEHMED II
  7. ennlso aeamdnl [SOLVED] NELSON MANDELA
  8. eaoonnpl aorpebnat [SOLVED] NAPOLEON BONPARTE
  9. Mrnait tluerh igkn rj [SOLVED] MARTIN LUTHER KING JR
  10. Tntocanensi eht reatg [SOLVED] CONSTANTINE THE GREAT
  11. Aahrbam cnlloni [SOLVED] ABRAHAM LINCOLN
  12. Ctniaehre eht eargt [SOLVED] CATHERINE THE GREAT
  13. Latop [SOLVED] PLATO
  14. ttoo nov rckmaibs [SOLVED] OTTO VON BISMARCK
  15. sraumc isurelau [SOLVED] MARCUS AURELIUS
  16. tlaati eht unh [SOLVED] ATILA THE HUN
  17. taoerssc [SOLVED] SOCRATES
  18. dabduh [SOLVED] BUDDHA
  19. atrazh amumahdm [SOLVED] HAZRAT MUHAMMED
  20. oajna a'rcd [SOLVED] JOANA D'ARC



  1. sjsscuehitr [SOLVED] JESUS CHRIST
  2. niehgsgankh [SOLVED] GENHIS KHAN
  3. ohrtwlnscicihnul [SOLVED] WINSTON CHURCHILL
  4. aitotelrs [SOLVED] ARISTOTLE 
  5. alsneetmcmyaniutefhing [SOLVED] SULEYMAN THE MAGNIFICENT
  6. tenniselrtbeai [SOLVED] ALBERT EINSTEIN
  7. hrrfaegeettlad [SOLVED] ALFRED THE GREAT
  8. nuIzaeeIczdhnab [SOLVED] NEBUCHADNEZZAR
  9. lllglgiaiieoae [SOLVED] GALILEO GALILEI
  10. ibgenIdzelateanfhlo [SOLVED] ELIZABETH I OF ENGLAND
Community Manager for the O2 Community 🙂
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Well done everyone, good game thank you @lewys-gp 

Didn't take too long 👍

Message 53 of 59

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Thanks all for joining in, @Mi-Amigo @Cleoriff @pgn @BobM. Fairplay in smashing it out so quickly 🙌


I'm not sure if I need to do scores on the doors? But, I can if you like.


Here are the leaders again but with their respective dates:


  1. Alexander the Great 356 BC - 323 BC
  2. Augustus Caesar 63 BC - AD 14
  3. Mahatma Gandhi 1869 - 1948
  4. Julius Caesar 100 BC - 44 BC
  5. Mustafa Kemal Ataurk 1881 - 1938
  6. Sultan Mehmed II 1432 - 1481
  7. Nelson Mandela 1918 - 2013
  8. Napoleon Bonaparte 1769 - 1821
  9. Martin Luther King Jr 1929 - 1968
  10. Constantine the Great 272 AD - 337 AD
  11. Abraham Lincoln 1809 - 1865
  12. Catherine the Great 1729 - 1796
  13. Plato 428 BC - 348 BC
  14. Otto von Bismarck 1815 - 1898
  15. Marcus Aurelius 121 - 180
  16. Attila the Hun 406 - 453
  17. Socrates 470 BC - 399 BC
  18. Buddha 563 BC - 483 BC
  19. Hazrat Muhammad 570 CE - 632 CE
  20. Joana D’Arc 1412 - 1431
  21. Jesus Christ 4 BC - AD 30/33
  22. Gengis Khan 1162 - 1227
  23. Winston Churchill 1874 - 1965
  24. Aristotle 384 BC - 322 BC
  25. Suleyman the Magnificent 1494 - 1566
  26. Albert Einstein 1879 - 1955
  27. Alfred the Great 847 - 899
  28. Nebuchadnezzar II 605 BC - 562 BC
  29. Galileo Galilei 1564 - 1642
  30. Elizabeth I of England 1533 - 1603

I'll see if I can add some facts for them all in a little bit 😁.

Community Manager for the O2 Community 🙂
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Thank you for a great game @lewys-gp 

Well done everyone.

There were some tough ones in the list [and not just in the HARD section] and some players were super-fast today - getting in while I was solving and/or about to post 😂  


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 55 of 59

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Great game @lewys-gp. I thought you WERE doing scores though?  No bother if too much hassle 😂

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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@Cleoriff wrote:

Great game @lewys-gp. I thought you WERE doing scores though?  No bother if too much hassle 😂

I agree - scores would be nice if you can do `em @lewys-gp 😁


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 57 of 59

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Great effort by all. Appreciate you joining in.


I know, @Cleoriff 😂. I planned to do dates and a fun fact for each too, but you all ended up flying through the list 🤣. I couldn't type fast enough. I'll get around to scores and facts soon 😊.


And agreed, @Mi-Amigo! I categorised the two sections by the scrambling, but maybe I should have put all of the lesser-known ones in the hard section. I was probably worried we could have been here forever though, if that was the case 😅. I shouldn't underestimate the unscrambling power of the community.

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  1. @Cleoriff - 18
  2. @Mi-Amigo - 11
  3. @BobM - 10
  4. @pgn - 6

Hopefully, not as cruel an action as those done by some of these leaders in our list, I deducted points here and there when a member guessed more than one answer in a row. I don't think it had much effect on the scoreboard though 😄.


Thanks again for playing. A big list of fun facts may appear on here by the end of the day too...

Community Manager for the O2 Community 🙂
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