on 09-03-2022 09:22
Welcome to
There are two White Room Quizzes each week - one on Monday and one on Wednesday.
Today`s White Room Quiz is eight questions with two questions from each of these categories
The White Room Quiz is open to all members.
Those wishing to take part must pm me - @Mi-Amigo - their answers between 12 noon today [Wednesday] and 11.59pm tomorrow [Thursday].
Please do not post your answers on the thread.
I hope our regular quizzers
@Cleoriff @pgn @jonsie @MI5 @gmarkj @TallTrees @Spenny @BobM @adelphiaUK @lewys-gp @RafaC
and any member, who has taken part in the past or has never taken part, and any new members will join in with today`s White Room Quiz.
Q1 LITERATURE 1 - In the Harry Potter books, what was the first name of Dumbledore, head of Hogwarts ?
Q2 TV 1 - In the children`s TV programme "Spongebob Square Pants" what type of animal is Patrick ?
Q3 FOOD & DRINK 1 - What type of meat is usually used in Italian dish Osso bucco ?
Q4 GAMES 1 - Which game takes its name from the Chinese for sparrow ?
Q5 LITERATURE 2 - Who wrote "Old Possum`s Book Of Practical Cats" ?
Q6 TV 2 - Which BBC TV game show was hosted by Terry Wogan 1979 to 1983, Les Dawson 1984 to 1990,
and Paul O`Grady [as Lily Savage] from 1997 to 1999 ?
Q7 FOOD & DRINK 2 - Which country does gjetost cheese come from ?
Q8 GAMES 2 - In chess, only two pieces can make the first move. One is a pawn, what is the other ?
The White Room Quiz is open to all members of the Community.
Those who want to take part must send a pm [private message] to me [Mi-Amigo] with their answers between 12 noon today [Wed 09 March 2022] and 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Thurs 10 March 2022]
- allowing 36 hours to pm your answers.
Please do not post your answers on the thread.
The answers - and results for each player taking part - will be posted on morning of Fri 11 March 2022
Each member will be awarded for each correct answer. In addition, Thinkers will be awarded as follows
Each member must pm [private message] their answers to me [Mi-Amigo] after 12 noon today [Wed 09 Mar 2022] and before 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Thurs 10 Mar 2022].
No member is to post any answer on the thread.
Any answer received after 23.59 [11.59pm] on Thurs 10 Mar 2022 will be declared void.
No googling, wiki, youtube search for answers.
The White Room Quiz is open to all members.
New members, who have recently joined the Community, and members who have not taken part before, are welcome to join the "regulars" with this week`s quiz.
Please feel free to post any comments on the questions - but not the answers - on this thread.
If you have any questions about the quiz, please ask and I will reply here.
I hope everyone likes the questions in today`s White Room Quiz, and finds this WRQ fun.
Good luck, everyone
on 10-03-2022 22:03
@Mi-Amigo my answers have been sent over to you.
These are more my questions today.
10-03-2022 22:08 - edited 10-03-2022 22:10
10-03-2022 22:08 - edited 10-03-2022 22:10
on 11-03-2022 08:12
Q1 LITERATURE 1 - In the Harry Potter books, what was the first name of Dumbledore, head of Hogwarts ?
A1 Albus
Q2 TV 1 - In the children`s TV programme "Spongebob Square Pants" what type of animal is Patrick ?
A2 Starfish
Q3 FOOD & DRINK 1 - What type of meat is usually used in Italian dish Osso bucco ?
A3 Veal or beef
Q4 GAMES 1 - Which game takes its name from the Chinese for sparrow ?
A4 Mah Jong
Q5 LITERATURE 2 - Who wrote "Old Possum`s Book Of Practical Cats" ?
A5 T S Eliott
Q6 TV 2 - Which BBC TV game show was hosted by Terry Wogan 1979 to 1983, Les Dawson 1984 to 1990,
and Paul O`Grady [as Lily Savage] from 1997 to 1999 ?
A6 Blankety Blank
Q7 FOOD & DRINK 2 - Which country does gjetost cheese come from ?
A7 Norway
Q8 GAMES 2 - In chess, only two pieces can make the first move. One is a pawn, what is the other ?
A8 Knight
11-03-2022 08:45 - edited 11-03-2022 08:59
11-03-2022 08:45 - edited 11-03-2022 08:59
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded
Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded
Q5 correct - awarded Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 correct - awarded
Q8 correct - awarded
plus for 8 correct answers also awarded
Silver Thinker
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded
Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 pass Q5 pass
Q6 pass Q7 Hungary - incorrect Q8 correct - awarded
plus for 4 correct answers also awarded
Red Thinker
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded
Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded
Q5 correct - awarded Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 correct - awarded
Q8 correct - awarded
plus for 8 correct answers also awarded
Silver Thinker
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded
Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded
Q5 correct - awarded Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 correct - awarded
Q8 correct - awarded
plus for 8 correct answers also awarded
Silver Thinker
Q1 pass Q2 pass Q3 correct - awarded Q4 correct - awarded
Q5 pass
Q6 correct - awarded Q7 correct - awarded
Q8 correct - awarded
plus for 5 correct answers also awarded
Red Thinker
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded
Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 pass
Q5 correct - awarded Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 correct - awarded
Q8 rook - incorrect
plus for 6 correct answers also awarded
Bronze Thinker
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded
Q3 fish - incorrect Q4 correct - awarded
Q5 correct - awarded Q6 correct - awarded
Q7 Sweden - incorrect Q8 correct - awarded
plus for 6 correct answers also awarded
Bronze Thinker
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 correct - awarded
Q3 correct - awarded
Q4 correct - awarded
Q5 pass Q6 Strictly Come Dancing - incorrect Q7 Germany - incorrect
Q8 rook in castling - incorrect; space between rook and kng has to be unoccupied in castling which it isn`t at start of game
plus for 4 correct answers also awarded
Red Thinker
Q1 correct - awarded Q2 squid - incorrect Q3 pork - incorrect Q4 correct - awarded
Q5 an author - can`t allow Q6 correct - awarded Q7 Denmark - incorrect Q8 correct - awarded
plus for 4 correct answers also awarded
Red Thinker
on 11-03-2022 08:55
Silver Thinker = 8 correct - @pgn @Cleoriff @MI5
Bronze Thinker = 6 correct - @gmarkj @BobM
Red Thinker + = 5 correct - @TallTrees
Red Thinker = 4 correct - @lewys-gp @RafaC @Spenny
Well done -
@BobM = Bronze Thinker
@gmarkj = Bronze Thinker
@TallTrees = Red Thinker +
@lewys-gp = Red Thinker
@RafaC = Red Thinker
@Spenny = Red Thinker
Everyone taking part was awarded a Thinker.
I hope everyone enjoyed this White Room Quiz and will join in Monday`s White Room Quiz, which will be
8 questions with two questions on each of these categories
I will be searching out the questions over the weekend with a mix of easier and not-so-easy questions
Thanks everyone for joining in and making WRQ fun.
on 11-03-2022 09:04
on 11-03-2022 09:11
on 11-03-2022 09:11
on 11-03-2022 09:13
on 11-03-2022 09:25
@BobM me too! Didn't think I'd get a red thinker, quite happy with the results, well done everybody, as @pgn has said great way to en the week with everyone getting a thinker (love the gif by the way)
@Spenny I grew up reading those books, they all have a special place in my heart. So much so that I can show off a little bit for once and say that I actually know Dumbledore's full name, and he's a very long name 😆
Thanks for the game @Mi-Amigo and well done to all the community thinkers!
on 11-03-2022 09:29