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White Room Quiz Mon 27 June 2022 - inc 2000th question

Level 47: Going Places
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Welcome to


         inc the 2000th WHITE ROOM QUIZ QUESTION


There are two White Room Quizzes each week - one on Monday and one on Wednesday.

Today`s White Room Quiz includes the 2000th White Room Quiz question since WRQ began on 1 Aug 2019.

This White Room Quiz is eight questions with two questions on each of these four categories -


with one question being the 2000th White Room Quiz question.


The White Room Quiz is open to all members.

Those wishing to take part must pm me - @Mi-Amigo  - their answers between 12 noon today [Monday] and 11.59pm tomorrow [Tuesday].

Please do not post your answers on the thread.


I hope our regular quizzer

@Cleoriff  @pgn  @jonsie @MI5 @gmarkj @BobM @Spenny @J9el @TallTrees @lewys-gp @RafaC @adec 

anyone who has taken part in a White Room Quiz in the past - including former 02 Community Managers

@LukasB and @TheresaV 

and any member, who has never taken part, and any new members will join in today`s White Room Quiz.




Q1 HISTORY 1 - Which British monarch immediately preceded Queen Victoria ?


Q2 GEOGRAPHY 1 - Which is the longest river in Norway ? 


Q3 SPORT 1 - Who was the first British rower to win gold medal at five consecutive Olympic Games ?


Q4 MUSIC 1 - 2000th WHITE ROOM QUIZ Question

                       The first UK No 1 single in the year 2000 was a double-A side by Westlife.

                       Name either of the songs.  


Q5 HISTORY 2 - What was Matthew Hopkins famous for in the 17th century ? 


Q6 GEOGRAPHY 2 - Which mountain range straddles Morocco and Algeria ?


Q7 SPORT 2 - Forest Green Rovers FC, promoted to League One in 2022, are based in which English town ?


Q8 MUSIC 2 - Which group had a UK No 1 "one hit wonder" single with "Woodstock" n 1970 ?


The White Room Quiz is open to all members of the Community.


Those who want to take part must send a pm [private message] to me [Mi-Amigo] with their answers between 12 noon today [Mon 27 June 2022] and 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Tues 28 June 2022]

- allowing 36 hours to pm your answers.


Please do not post your answers on the thread.


The answers - and results for each player taking part - will be posted on morning of Wed 29 June 2022


Each member will be awarded star.pngfor each correct answer. In addition, Thinkers will be awarded as follows





everyone who correctly answers 2000th WHITE ROOM QUIZ Question [Q4] will be awarded a trophy trophy.png



Each member must pm [private message] their answers to me [Mi-Amigo] after 12 noon today [Mon 27 June 2022] and before 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Tues 28 June 2022].

No member is to post any answer on the thread.

Any answer received after 23.59 [11.59pm] on Tues 28 June 2022 will be declared void.

No googling, wiki, youtube search for answers.


The White Room Quiz is open to all members.

New members, who have recently joined the Community, and members who have not taken part before, are welcome to join the "regulars" with this week`s quiz. 


Please feel free to post any comments on the questions - but not the answers - on this thread.

If you have any questions about the quiz, please ask and I will reply here.


I hope everyone likes the questions in today`s White Room Quiz, and finds this WRQ fun.

Good luck, everyone




Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 45

Level 47: Going Places
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Sorry you missed out on the quiz @pgn 

Enjoy your holiday.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 31 of 45

Level 47: Going Places
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Q1 HISTORY 1 - Which British monarch immediately preceded Queen Victoria ?

A1   William IV


Q2 GEOGRAPHY 1 - Which is the longest river in Norway ? 

A2    Glomma


Q3 SPORT 1 - Who was the first British rower to win gold medal at five consecutive Olympic Games ?

A3    Steve Redgrave


Q4 MUSIC 1 - 2000th WHITE ROOM QUIZ Question

                       The first UK No 1 single in the year 2000 was a double-A side by Westlife.

                       Name either of the songs.  

A4   I Have A Dream c/w Seasons In The Sun


Q5 HISTORY 2 - What was Matthew Hopkins famous for in the 17th century ? 

A5   Witch finder


Q6 GEOGRAPHY 2 - Which mountain range straddles Morocco and Algeria ?

A6   Atlas


Q7 SPORT 2 - Forest Green Rovers FC, promoted to League One in 2022, are based in which English town ?

A7   Nailsworth


Q8 MUSIC 2 - Which group had a UK No 1 "one hit wonder" single with "Woodstock" in 1970 ?

A8   Matthews Southern Comfort



Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 32 of 45

Level 47: Going Places
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Q1 Edward IV - incorrect  Q2 pass  Q3 pass  Q4 Uptown Girl - incorrect   

Q5 naval engineer - incorrect  Q6 correct - awarded star.png Q7 London - incorrect  Q8 pass

Total = 1 star for 1 correct



Q1 Henry - incorrect  Q2 Nile - incorrect  Q3 Harry - incorrect

Q4 correct - awarded star.pngtrophy.png  for 2000th Q correct    Q5 correct - awarded star.png

Q6 correct - awarded star.png Q7 pass  Q8 Elton John - incorrect

Total = 3 stars for 3 correct + trophy for Q4 [2000th Q] correct



Q1 correct - awarded star.png  Q2 correct - awarded star.png  Q3 correct - awarded star.png

Q4 correct - awarded star.pngtrophy.png  for 2000th Q correct    Q5 correct - awarded star.png

Q6 correct - awarded star.png Q7 correct - awarded star.png  Q8 correct - awarded star.png

plus for 8 correct answers also awarded


Silver Thinker + trophy for Q4 [2000th Q] correct



Q1 correct - awarded star.png  Q2 correct - awarded star.png  Q3 correct - awarded star.png

Q4 correct - awarded star.pngtrophy.png  for 2000th Q correct    Q5 correct - awarded star.png

Q6 correct - awarded star.png Q7 correct - awarded star.png  Q8 correct - awarded star.png

plus for 8 correct answers also awarded


Silver Thinker + trophy for Q4 [2000th Q] correct



Q1 correct - awarded star.png  Q2 pass  Q3 pass  Q4 pass    Q5 pass

Q6 correct - awarded star.png Q7 pass   Q8 pass

Total = 2 stars for 2 correct



Q1 Edward IV - incorrect  Q2 Berger - incorrect  Q3 correct - awarded star.png

Q4 Fool Again - incorrect   Q5 correct - awarded star.pngQ6 correct - awarded star.png 

Q7 London - incorrect  Q8 pass

Total = 3 stars for 3 correct



Q1 correct - awarded star.png  Q2 correct - awarded star.png  Q3 correct - awarded star.png

Q4 correct - awarded star.pngtrophy.png  for 2000th Q correct    Q5 correct - awarded star.png

Q6 correct - awarded star.png Q7 correct - awarded star.png  Q8 correct - awarded star.png

plus for 8 correct answers also awarded


Silver Thinker + trophy for Q4 [2000th Q] correct



Q1 one and only queen LukasB - 😂 - incorrect  Q2 Cry Me A River - 😂 - incorrect

Q3 gmarkj - 😂 - incorrect  Q4 Woodstock - incorrect 

Q5 not taking part in WRQ - 😂 - incorrect  Q6 correct - awarded star.png 

Q7 Norwich - incorrect  Q8 Westlife

Total = 1 star for 1 correct



Q1 correct - awarded star.png  Q2 pass  Q3 correct - awarded star.png

Q4 Ballad Of LukasB and TheresaV - 😂 - incorrect    Q5 painting - incorrect

Q6 pass  Q7 correct - awarded star.png  Q8 pass

Total = 2 stars for 2 correct



Q1 Edward VII - incorrect  Q2 Oslo - incorrect  Q3 pass

Q4 correct - awarded star.pngtrophy.png  for 2000th Q correct    Q5 knight - incorrect

Q6 correct - awarded star.png Q7 correct - awarded star.png  Q8 pass

Total = 3 stars for 3 correct + trophy for Q4 [2000th Q] correct 



Q1 George III - incorrect  Q2 Stravanger - incorrect  Q3 correct - awarded star.png

Q4 Uptown Girl - incorrect    Q5 pass  Q6 pass

Q7 Gloucester - incorrect       Q8 pass

Total = 1 star for 1 correct 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 33 of 45

Level 94: Supreme
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How lovely to have @LukasB and @TheresaV back with their mad answers. 😂

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 34 of 45

Level 47: Going Places
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Silver Thinker              = 8 correct - @Cleoriff  @MI5  @jonsie 

star.pngstar.pngstar.png    = 3 correct - @LukasB @Spenny @gmarkj @lewys-gp 

star.pngstar.png               = 2 correct - @TallTrees 

star.png                           = 1 correct - @TheresaV  @RafaC  @J9el 

trophy.png  - Q4 [2000thQ] correct = @Cleoriff  @MI5  @jonsie @LukasB @lewys-gp  


CONGRATULATIONS to the SILVER THINKERS - @Cleoriff  @MI5  @jonsie 

and TROPHY WINNERS - @Cleoriff @MI5 @jonsie @LukasB @lewys-gp 

Well done -

@LukasB - 3 stars

@Spenny - 3 stars

@gmarkj - 3 stars

@lewys-gp - 3 stars

@TallTrees - 2 stars

@TheresaV - 1 star

@J9el - 1 star

@RafaC - 1 star


Everyone taking part was awarded at least one star.


I hope everyone enjoyed this White Room Quiz and will join in today`s White Room Quiz, which will be

8 questions with 2 questions on each of these categories


and will be posted on a separate thread shortly


Thank you everyone for making the WRQ fun.


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 35 of 45

Level 77: Grand Master
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Lovely to see a good turn-out, well done on the 2000th, @Mi-Amigo and all those who took part!

Message 36 of 45

Level 52: Innovator
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Thank you for the results @Mi-Amigo 

2 out of 2 for me 😅 probably a miracle in those 8 questions!

Sorry 2000th question probably know song but knowing who, where, when is no for me.

Well done those who knew all the answers 

Well done to everyone 



Message 37 of 45

Level 94: Supreme
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Well done everyone.

Great to have @LukasB and @TheresaV back for the 2000th word WRQ (with their funny answers. 😂)

I think @LukasB won the competition between the two joy tongue_winking

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 38 of 45

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Ok not as bad as I thought but I just have to get back into it haha - next time thinker!!!! The ballad of LukasB and TheresaV @gmarkj 🤣

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If you'd like to take part, why not register? slight_smile

Message 39 of 45

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Thanks @Mi-Amigo and congratulations for the 2000th question!
Well done everyone and it was great to have @LukasB and @TheresaV around 😄

Message 40 of 45