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White Room Quiz Mon 07 Dec 2020

Level 47: Going Places
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Welcome to



There are two White Room Quizzes each week - one on Monday and one on Wednesday.

Today`s White Room Quiz is eight questions with two questions from each of four categories 




The White Room Quiz is open to all members.

Those wishing to take part must pm me - @Mi-Amigo - with their answers between 12 noon today [Monday] and 11.59pm tomorrow [Tuesday]


I hope our regular quizzers

   @Cleoriff   @pgn   @jonsie   @MI5   @gmarkj   @Anonymous 

and O2 Community managers  @Marjo   @Martin-O2   @LukasB 

and any member, who has taken part in the past or has never taken part, and any new members

will join in with today`s White Room Quiz.


Please note: there is no QI-style question in which the answer is not what most people think.




Q1 HISTORY 1  Donald Trump is currently the 45th US president. Who was the fifth [5th] US President? 


Q2 SPACE 1      Who was the first British female astronaut into space?


Q3 ART 1          Who produced the 1969 sculpture "Two Forms (Divided Circle) which was stolen from

                          a plinth in Dulwich Park in 2011?


Q4 FOOD & DRINK 1  Which fish is the main ingrediant of Scotch woodcock ?


Q5 HISTORY 2  Which country was ruled by the Romanov dynasty from 1613 to 1917 ?


Q6 SPACE 2       What is the name of the comet which completes an orbit of the Sun once every 3 years

                            - the shortest period by any known comet ?


Q7 ART 2           In which British city are the Barber Institute of Fine Arts and the Ikon Gallery ? 


Q8 FOOD & DRINK 2  Black Krim, Green Zebra, and Yellow Pear are all varieties of which salad ingrediant ?


The White Room Quiz is open to all members of the Community.


Those who want to take part must pm [private message] me [Mi-Amigo] with their answers between 12 noon today [Mon 07 December] and 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Tuesday 08 December]

- allowing 36 hours to pm your answers.


Please do not post your answers on the thread.


The answers - and results for each player taking part - will be posted on morning of Wed O9 December


Each member will be awarded star for each correct answer. In addition, each member who gives


              EIGHT correct answers               SIX correct answers                     FOUR correct answers

                   will be awarded                       will be awarded                          will be awarded


                  silver-thinker.jpg                 bronze-thinker-crop.jpg                        red-thinker.jpg

                  SILVER THINKER                     BRONZE THINKER                             RED THINKER


                                                                THE RULES

Each member must pm [private message] their answers to me [Mi-Amigo] after 12 noon today [Mon 07 December 2020] and before 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Tues 08 December 2020].

No member is to post any answer on the thread.

Any answer received after 23.59 [11.59pm] on Tuesday 08 December will be declared void.

No googling, wiki, youtube search for answers.


The White Room Quiz is open to all members.

New members, who have recently joined the Community, and members who have not taken part before, are welcome to join the "regulars" with this week`s quiz. 


Please feel free to post any comments on the questions - but not the answers - on this thread.

If you have any questions about the quiz, please ask and I will reply here.


I hope everyone likes the questions in today`s White Room Quiz, and finds this WRQ fun.

Good luck, everyone




Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 42

Level 47: Going Places
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Thank you @pgn 

I like the gif 

pm with your eight answers received


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 21 of 42

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Thanks to all those who have sent me pm with eight answers.

Gentle reminder to @jonsie  @Anonymous and @Marjo and anyone else who would like to have a go at this quiz, there is still plenty of time - up to 11.59pm tonight [Tuesday] to pm me @Mi-Amigo with your eight answers.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Good luck. 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 22 of 42

Not applicable

See the source image

pm sent @Mi-Amigo 

Message 23 of 42

Level 47: Going Places
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Thank you @Anonymous 

love the pix

pm with your eight answers received


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 24 of 42

Level 47: Going Places
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Q1 HISTORY 1  Donald Trump is currently the 45th US president. Who was the fifth [5th] US President?

A1   James Monroe - US President 1817-1825 


Q2 SPACE 1      Who was the first British female astronaut into space?

A2   Helen Sharman


Q3 ART 1          Who produced the 1969 sculpture "Two Forms (Divided Circle) which was stolen from

                          a plinth in Dulwich Park in 2011?

A3   Barbara Hepworth


Q4 FOOD & DRINK 1  Which fish is the main ingrediant of Scotch woodcock ?

A4   although eggs are an ingredient, the fish which is the main ingredient is anchovies 


Q5 HISTORY 2  Which country was ruled by the Romanov dynasty from 1613 to 1917 ?

A5   Russia


Q6 SPACE 2       What is the name of the comet which completes an orbit of the Sun once every 3 years

                            - the shortest period by any known comet ?

A6 Encke`s comet, which completes an orbit of the Sun once every 3.3 years - the shortest period for  reasonably bright comet. However, deep within the bowels of Wiki, I found a mention of Panstarrs, a faint main-belt comet, which orbits the Sun in a period of 3.2 years, so I will also allow that as an answer.


Q7 ART 2           In which British city are the Barber Institute of Fine Arts and the Ikon Gallery ? 

A7   Birmingham


Q8 FOOD & DRINK 2  Black Krim, Green Zebra, and Yellow Pear are all varieties of which salad ingrediant ?

A8   tomato


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 25 of 42

Level 47: Going Places
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Q1 Andrew Jackson - incorrect   Q2 correct - awarded star   Q3 pass 

Q4 eggs - incorrect. I wanted the type of fish.   Q5 correct - awarded  star  

Q6 correct - awarded star  Q7 pass    Q8 vinagrette - incorrect

Total:  star star star for three correct answers + one part-correct answer



Q1 correct - awarded star  Q2 correct - awarded star   Q3 pass    Q4 pass 

Q5 correct - awarded star  Q6 pass    Q7 correct - awarded star Q8 correct - awarded star  

plus, for more than four correct answers, also awarded


Red Thinker



Q1 correct - awarded star Q2 correct - awarded star Q3 correct - awarded star

Q4 correct - awarded star Q5 correct - awarded star 

Q6 Panstarrs comet - accepted as correct [see Answers] - awarded star 

Q7 correct - awarded star Q8 correct - awarded star plus, for eight correct answers also awarded


Silver Thinker



Q1 correct - awarded star Q2 correct - awarded star Q3 correct - awarded star

Q4 correct - awarded star Q5 correct - awarded star Q6 correct - awarded star 

Q7 correct - awarded star Q8 correct - awarded star plus, for eight correct answers also awarded


Silver Thinker



Q1 Thomas Jefferson - incorrect   Q2 pass   Q3 pass   Q4 correct - awarded star 

Q5 correct - awarded star  Q6 Halley`s Comet - incorrect   Q7 correct - awarded star 

Q8 correct - awarded star  plus, for four correct answers, also awarded


Red Thinker



Q1 correct - awarded star Q2 correct - awarded star Q3 correct - awarded star

Q4 correct - awarded star Q5 correct - awarded star Q6 correct - awarded star 

Q7 correct - awarded star Q8 correct - awarded star plus, for eight correct answers also awarded


Silver Thinker



Q1 correct - awarded  starQ2 correct - awarded star Q3 correct - awarded star   

Q4 correct - awarded star Q5 correct - awarded star Q6 Halley`s Comet - incorrect

Q7 Wolverhampton - incorrect  Q8 correct - awarded star

plus, for six correct answers also awarded


Bronze Thinker


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 26 of 42

Level 47: Going Places
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Silver Thinker = for eight correct answers - @MI5  @Cleoriff   @pgn 



Bronze Thinker  = for six correct answers - @Anonymous  



Red Thinker +  star = for five correct answers - @gmarkj 



Red Thinker             = for four correct answers - @LukasB  


star star star           = for three correct answers - @Martin-O2 


CONGRATULATIONS to the Silver Thinkers - @MI5   @Cleoriff   @pgn 


Well done


@Anonymous - Bronze Thinker


@gmarkj        - Red Thinker +  star


@LukasB        - Red Thinker 


@Martin-O2  -  star starstar


Well done everyone. All those taking part got at least three stars.


I hope everyone enjoyed the quiz and will take part in today`s White Room Quiz, which will be posted shortly on a separate thread with eight questions - with two questions from each of these categories




Thanks everyone for taking part and for making the White Room Quiz fun; and thank you for the gifs and photos with the posts notifying pm sent - I love `em, please keep `em coming.




Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 27 of 42

Level 77: Grand Master
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Well done all - more Red Thinkers this week, must be the season 🎄🤣
Thanks, @Mi-Amigo--today's will be a more sedate affair, I trust, no History. Literature borders on it tho... 🤔
Message 28 of 42

Level 94: Supreme
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Well done everyone. Also thanks @Mi-Amigo for setting it up. yahoo

@pgnI've just requested an 8 history question quiz... so pffttt...rofl

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 29 of 42

Level 77: Grand Master
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@Cleoriff wrote:

@pgnI've just requested an 8 history question quiz... so pffttt...rofl

Yeah, looking to the future's scary too these days Fear

At least with history, there's none alive to debate that it may have been written wrongly - it's always from the victor's point of viewWhistle

giphy - 20**Personal info**T091030.839.gif

Message 30 of 42