on 14-07-2014 19:45
on 14-07-2014 19:45
............You are guaranteed a good laugh from time to time. Tonight I nearly fell of my chair laughing when I learned that I am now designated "Nimble" . From a physical point of view nothing could be further from the truth - I am as clumsy as it is possible to be; from a mental point of view I am slow and ditheringly indecisive. So I have come to the conclusion that the reference must be to Nimble as in the loaf of bread - all crust and no substance.
i have been having a quick read through some of my recent posts and I think "agitator" or "tormentor" might be more appropriate. Oh how I envy the Luminescents, the Enigmas, the Regulars, the Digital Dons and the Rising Stars of this world. Will I ever achieve such levels?
on 15-07-2014 22:37
good evening all ..... ^ ..... ^ ..... ^ ..... = ..... @MI5 & @Cleoriff & @Anonymous etc
as for domestic feline I choose to be a seal point Siamese cat (male variety)
as for a big cat I choose to be a Tiger (female variety)
if forced to say about a dog ..... I'd be a rough-haired Jack Russell ..... or a husky
what animal would you be MI5 / Gerry ? ..... bearing in mind we are talking about rankings, arn't we ?
on 15-07-2014 22:39
on 15-07-2014 22:39
on 15-07-2014 22:45
on 15-07-2014 22:52
on 15-07-2014 22:52
@Anonymous wrote:I'm saving up for many mojitos on Friday night cocktail promotion time at my local pub
Soooooo...mojitos on Friday night @Anonymous ..real ones ?? In a real pub??
I shall drink in Wantys alone then...
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on 15-07-2014 23:06
on 15-07-2014 23:06
on 15-07-2014 23:22
on 15-07-2014 23:22
@jonsie wrote:Back hours ago from the pub @Anonymous so nightcap for me now
Won't you be jetting off Friday night @Cleoriff ?:smileyhappy:
Monday night @jonsie 5pm flight...(and the way the weather is going here, as usual I will be leaving a heatwave)
So I think all of you holidaying in the UK for the next two weeks should be grateful I am flying abroad
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