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The X-Factor

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So I decided to start watching again now that Louis Walsh is gone, love him though I did, and there are 3 new judges. Interesting we have Mr and Mrs Robbie Williams. Why? Anyway hopefully with Louis gone, we'll no longer see the weird and wonderful acts he put through which were truly dreadful. Honey G anyone!

So who's watching and what do you think of the acts put through so far? A couple were amazing, I thought.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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Firstly it's a new panel set up and I love Robbie Williams. (Thought I would get that out first) Smiley Very Happy

I have no idea what his wife Ayda is doing there. She isn't a singer so not sure what group she will mentor. Having said that, they did have one series where Nick Kershaw a DJ was on and he mentored.

Louis Tomlinson out of One Direction. Mmmmm Not sure he has the experience, but we will see.

I'm glad to see the back of Louis Walsh as I couldn't stand him...

Simon is still Simon with a bit more botox Smiley Very Happy


Sorry to say I can't remember the names of the artists but there have been a couple of stand out moments.

The 58 year old woman who belted out Cilla Black 'You're My World' was excellent and all she wanted was a cuddle from Robbie.

Then there was the guy who worshipped RW but couldn't sing a note. Simon asked him to change his song and he chose Angels. Needless to say he was joined on stage by Robbie. Brought the house down. Although the guy wont get far he realised a dream ie singing on stage with Robbie.


So in conclusion, I'm quite enjoying it at the moment. Sob stories and all Bow

However SCD opening show is this Saturday. I have no doubt which will prove the most popular...

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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I am watching it through gritted teeth grr.


I cant stand Robbie Bighead Williams slight_smile


There is no need for all the kissing and cuddling him and wife are doing. 


I liked Louis Walsh slight_smile


Will have to watch and try and block Robbie and Wife out .


I agree there are some good acts but they have also put some through i think are carp 😞 

Message 3 of 264

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Well as usual we agree yet again, though I do like Louis just not the choices he made.

And I wondered about Robbie's wife as well. At least Nick Kershaw was in the music biz, to some extent. She has nothing to do with music as far as I know.

Oh and I love Robbie too 🤩

Louis, mmm.... yes we'll see. I can't remember the names either but the woman you mention was brilliant. I saw Simon's face when she came out and I thought he's doing it again. Judging on looks and I was so pleased she made him change his attitude. It's a singing contest not a beauty pageant.

Also liked him apologising to that older chap with the amazing voice who he failed to put through 17 years ago on Pop Idol.

Not sure about the boy who Simon asked to choose another song and they then put through. I don't think his voice is strong enough, but we'll see. Oh and that black chap from the Carribean was cool. Good dancer and got the house going.

After a break, I must say I'm also enjoying X-Factor again. But Saturday I'll be watching SCD and recording X-Factor to watch later. It will always be SCD first, always.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 4 of 264

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Then there was the guy who had suffered with a cleft palate as a child, came on nervous as hell and gave a show stopping performance. He had a standing ovation and was in tears at the end... He was pretty good.

Oh and I'm just waiting for Robbie to wind Simon up. It won't be long....

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Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 264

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@Cleoriff wrote:

Then there was the guy who had suffered with a cleft palate as a child, came on nervous as hell and gave a show stopping performance. He had a standing ovation and was in tears at the end... He was pretty good.

Oh and I'm just waiting for Robbie to wind Simon up. It won't be long....

Yes, I forgot about him, he was amazing and even I was in tears at the end of his performance.


And Robbie winding up Simon, bring it on Bouncy


And is it my imagination or has Simon put on weight? His face looks quite bloated.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 6 of 264

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Yes he does seem quite chubby cheeked now...When you see pictures of  him even just 4 series back, he was much slimmer in the face.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
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I also thought Simon had put on weight and he using the handheld fan like last series .


Now Louis Tomlinson i am unsure but i like his accent .


I am not a SCD fan them 2 judges made me stop watching that Len and the gobby one who needs slapping with a wet fish Smiley Very Happy

Message 8 of 264

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By the gobby one @Poppysmum I assume you mean Clive Revill-Horwood. And Len is no longer there, Shirley Ballas is now Head Judge.

Back on topic, yes I saw the fan. If Simon was a woman, I'd say it's that time of life. But have no idea what's up with him and what that fan's all about..

I missed a year or two of X-Factor as I got fed up with all the weird and wonderful acts Louis Walsh used to promote that stayed week after week, while good singers got voted off. Hopefully, it'll be better now Louis's gone and we have 3 new judges with a bit of taste.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 9 of 264

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Yes thats him. I hadnt realised Len had gone .


Simon must have hot flushes lol 

Message 10 of 264