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The White Room Thursday Quiz - 28 Nov 2019

Level 47: Going Places
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     This week`s contestant, chosen at random by @Marjo   is




The six questions are:


Q1 [people]: What were Pablo Picasso`s last words?


Q2 [events]: When is Canadian Thanksgiving Day?


Q3 [nature]: Which is the world`s fastest snake? 


Q4 [games]: In which game are blue and black partners against red and green?


Q5 [literature]: What is the name of the flying island in the book Gulliver`s Travels?


Q6 [music]: Which was the last act to perform at the famous Woodstock Festival? 


Hint: as usual one question is a QI-style question, where the answer is not what most people think.



You can only give one answer to each question.

You can answer the questions in any order - please copy and paste the question and add your answer.

You can post all of the answers together in one posts; or post one, or more, answer in several posts; at any time between 00.01 [one minute after midnight] and 23.59 [11.59pm] tomorrow [Thursday] 28 November 2019. Please note: a second answer to any question cannot be given in these subsequent posts. 

Any answer posted before 00.01 or after 23.59 on Thursday will be declared void.

Please - no googling, Wiki, social media, Youtube in search of the answers.


The results, with the correct answers, will be posted either late on Thursday 28 November [after answers have been submitted] or on Friday morning 29 November 2019.

Each correct answer will be awarded a star

If you get all six questions correct, you will be awarded the Silver Thinker

Image result for silver thinker


The White Room Thursday Quiz is open to all members. Previously contestants - @Cleoriff and @pgn - and members @EmilieT ; @OldFart ; @jonsie and @WispaRed7 played along. Any new member and anyone who has not played before, can join in and play along by  making their own list of questions and seeing how many they can get right - but, please do not post your answers on the thread. You will be able to see how well you did when I give the correct answers late Thursday or Friday morning.


Thank you for your interest and good luck @gmarkj 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 1 of 11

Not applicable

Good Luck @gmarkj four_leaf_clover


I don't know any of the answers ... but ... that's nothing new LOL

Message 2 of 11

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I know the Woodstock one and last words of Picasso....and probably fastest snake. Oh and the Gulliver one I think.....

I have absolutely NO clue about the game???

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 11

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Thanks for playing along @Anonymous and @Cleoriff ...

Without giving too much away, there is quite a mix of questions this week - which might be D'oh!Happy DanceDanceDon't knowConfused; Destroy


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 4 of 11

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I reckon that game question must be the QI one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rofl

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 11

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Apologies all for my tardiness - life got in the way...


Q1 [people]: What were Pablo Picasso`s last words?

Something about drinking to me (as a celebration of his life).


Q2 [events]: When is Canadian Thanksgiving Day?

I would guess not the same as the American one which is in November. but no idea of the actual date.

I am going to say some time in October, and will guess the same day - 25th.


Q3 [nature]: Which is the world`s fastest snake? 

It's a dangerous one - the Black Mamba!


Q4 [games]: In which game are blue and black partners against red and green?

Not. A. Clue.

The only thing I can think of is the colours on a shirt so either American Football or proper Football.


Q5 [literature]: What is the name of the flying island in the book Gulliver`s Travels?



Q6 [music]: Which was the last act to perform at the famous Woodstock Festival? 

No idea.


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Message 6 of 11

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As @gmarkj notified me that, due to commitments, his answers would be posted late, I have allowed a late post and can now give them:


Q1 [people]: What were Pablo Picasso`s last words?

A1 Something about drinking to me (as a celebration of his life).

- the actual words were "drink to me, drink to my health" [and were in a Paul McCartney Wings song "Picasso`s Last Words" on the album Band On The Run] - as answer is very close, I will award star


Q2 [events]: When is Canadian Thanksgiving Day?

A2 I would guess not the same as the American one which is in November. but no idea of the actual date. I am going to say some time in October, and will guess the same day - 25th.

- 25 Oct is incorrect. This is the QI-style questin, as most people think it`s the same as American

the correct answer is second Monday in October but as you said October, very close to right answer...

I`ll award half a star 


Q3 [nature]: Which is the world`s fastest snake? 

A3 It's a dangerous one - the Black Mamba!

- correct, awarded star


Q4 [games]: In which game are blue and black partners against red and green?

A4 Not a clue. The only thing I can think of is the colours on a shirt so either American Football or proper Football.

- incorrect. btw this is not the QI-style question.

-correct answer is croquet


Q5 [literature]: What is the name of the flying island in the book Gulliver`s Travels?

A5 Laputa

- correct - awarded star


Q6 [music]: Which was the last act to perform at the famous Woodstock Festival? 

No idea.

- correct answer Jimi Hendrix


As you answered three questions [Q1, Q3, Q5] correctly, and came close in one [Q2], you are awarded star star star and a half stars - well done @gmarkj 


How did everyone else, who was playing along, get on with these questions? Did the Thanksgiving or game one prove the most difficult?

Comments and feedback are welcome. 

Thanks everyone and I hope you enjoyed the quiz... 


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 7 of 11

Level 67: Unsung hero
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I would not have thought of croquet in a million years @Mi-Amigo!
Those were some tricky questions.

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Message 8 of 11

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I thought the Canadian one was the 12th Oct. So would have been wrong. (even though my nephew lived in Canada for 8 years!

I had no idea about the game, though my husband knew it immediately. rolling_eyes

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 9 of 11

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@gmarkj .

The questions were trickier this week - even though there was no geography or sports questions which usually catch players out.



Had you been the contestant, you would`ve got a half star for 12 Oct [as technically it could be second Mon]. 


I`m not too surprised that both of you had problems with the croquet question - tbh I`ve never played it. 



Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 10 of 11