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The Good Wife/The Good Fight

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@Anonymousand I got to talking about the above two shows; the Good Fight being a spin-off from The Good Wife.

Now I know there are two of us interested in these shows and @Marjo has also mentioned liking The Good Wife and asking about the spin-off series.

So I've set up this thread which may only be of interest to the three of us. But if anyone else has watched these shows, please feel free to join in. The more the merrier 😊

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 1 of 73

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Fantastic episode, again 2 stories for the price of 1 and 75 minutes long.

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The first story dealt with a network trying to stop the publication of a scandalous story about one of its biggest stars. The second story followed Luca and Rindell Minor (sorry I forget her name) on ride-alongs with separate sets of police officers to check they are keeping to the rules. Both had exciting ride-alongs - Luca in particular as the car she was in was in a car chase. The other ride-along was in a near riot.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, so to speak, the network had a high-powered lawyer brought in to fight their corner with the publication's in-house lawyer seemingly on the network lawyer's side which he was as was later revealed. Anyway whilst it initially appeared Diane, Liz and Adrian won, the publication is being sued so the case is going to court.

2 side issues: the writer of the scandalous article was a former student of Adrian's at the same time as Liz and what went down then. And Luca has told the father he's going to be a father. Where, after taking his mum home - she was picked up driving under the influence and Luca called him - he got down on one knee and proposed. Luca said no. 

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 41 of 73

Not applicable
Mediocre episode last night. Seemed like non stories hashed together. The only good thing was Luca told Colin.. They would make a great couple!
I’m just not looking forward to a baby wrecking the show. Luca is a great character, getting better storylines than Diane at the moment!

And what us with Diane and this one night stand? Kurt said he was done with this trial separation and it looked like they were going to reconcile, but then she’s in bed alone talking to her ONS.. confused?
Message 42 of 73

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And I thought it was a good episode @Anonymous. I enjoyed the ride-alongs and the network vs the publication; very relevant with what's been happening in the news. As for Luca it's a long way to go before she actually has the baby anything could happen.

Diane is all over the place and I too want her and Kurt to reconcile. Her ONS called her don't forget and she wasn't encouraging him.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 43 of 73

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Another good episode I thought. I liked Boseman in court, on TV and at the 'big 6' conference. And you'll be pleased to see Michael Boatman (Julius) is back as I said he would be.


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Luca has officially informed the partners she's pregnant but I think she either has no idea what being pregnant could entail or is putting up a brave front. She is due to start a murder trial which will likely go straight through and past her due date. She reckons thst she'll have the baby and be back at work within 3 days. Now I've never had a baby so can't speak from personal experience. But I have many friends and have worked with women who worked up to or very near their due dates. Each pregnancy is different and how the body reacts after the baby is born is also different. Some women bounce right back, others don't. Also some women who thought they would go straight back to work bonded very quickly with their baby and didn't want to leave them. The partners are already making contingency plans as they felt Luca's comments were bravado. I thought so to. The father meanwhile (God I can never remember his name!) tried to pull a fast one by asking for a continuance in the murder trial till the week Luca is due - though first babies are notoriously late. Anyway Luca told the judge she's pregnant and explained that the prosecutor wanted the cotinuance until the week she's due. And explained that the prosecutor was the father of her baby. The judge's reaction made me laugh. Boseman held his own on TV, in court and at a meeting of the big 6 law firms to discuss how to deal with lawyers being killed. Marisa once again came up trumps and Boseman actually rang her, said she done good and gave her the raise she asked for.

There is more but I leave you to enjoy (if you do enjoy) the whole episode first hand.
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 44 of 73

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Its back to being good again!


I so want Luca & Colin to get together, but I'm more desperate to see the Rindell trial outcome.


And what is with Marisa snogging that guy constantly... 😡

Message 45 of 73

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I know it's so not what you do when you're with another couple. It's really rude to other people you're with and, particularly, when you're only with one other couple. It was like she'd not been with a man in ages. It's the sort of thing a teenager does because they're young and stupid. Marisa is old enough to know better. But clearly not 🙄😲


I also want to know the outcome of the Rindell trial. Are they ever going to mention it again?!

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 46 of 73

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Another good episode, though still no mention of the Rindell trial.


Alan Alda guest starred, a brill actor. And the episode was directed by Clark Johnson, an actor who I've been a fan of for over 40 years, who's been directing for over 20 of those years.

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The episode took place mostly in the courtroom. The client was a black underciver cop shot by a white cop. Boseman was suing for a substantial award for the shooting. Alan Akda was acting for the city.

Bottom line their client was a dirty cop whose partner planted guns/drugs on innocent black men and got them sent down for long prison sentences. As they got this information from their client, to disclose this would break client confidentiality and could see Boseman disbarred.

Anyway, the client won his case winning a huge settlement. The investigator (forget his name) had it out with Boseman as a friend of his was in jail as a result of the dirty cop planting a gun on him and Boseman could not reveal this information as it broke client confidentiality. The investigator was furious and quit. So Marisa, who was again instrumental in them winning the case, could well becime the new senior investigator.

Also Diane got rid of her bit on the side but is still dithering over Karl. I feel like shouting wake up woman you're gonna lose a good man if you keep him hanging on



Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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What, have you started watching The Good Fight @jonsie 😉
Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

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