on 06-05-2016 07:06
Thousands of British tourists heading to the US have been warned that they risk being turned away from flights to the country unless they hold the latest biometric passports. The change to US visa requirements came into force from April 1st 2016.
There are more than a million non-biometric UK passports still in use, and there are fears that the change has had insufficient publicity.
E-passports were brought in on October 2006. Passports last for 10 years so the change is thought to only affect British passports issued between April and October 2006.
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 07-05-2016 18:14
on 07-05-2016 18:14
on 07-05-2016 19:36
If we go back after next year (we're thinking of Memphis and New Orleans next) I'm definitely looking at flying into Sanford. I'm still annoyed at being told to leave my belt on and then setting off the alarms and being shouted at for wearing my belt!
I haven't driven over there (too nervous) but I wish I did last time as we ended up with a Corvette for a few days - when we finally picked up the Mustang is seemed like a downgrade!
on 07-05-2016 19:43
on 07-05-2016 19:43
As long as you remember that traffic lights are overhead and that you can turn right if there is no traffic, you will be fine. Driving over there converted me and my wife to only buying automatics back home.
on 07-05-2016 20:36
The turning right bit scared me but not half as much as when I was trying to cross the road! Another reason I didn't want to drive is I'm not comfortable in automatics despite passing my test in one originally (I retook it in a manual) and I couldn't find a car with a proper gearbox!
on 07-05-2016 20:44
on 07-05-2016 20:44
on 07-05-2016 20:54
on 07-05-2016 20:54
I drove in Florida for a while...till my other half kept making comments such as 'The park will be closed soon'
and 'Do you want me to drive?'....so I gave up and restricted myself to driving to the local 7/11
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 07-05-2016 21:01
on 07-05-2016 21:01
07-05-2016 21:08 - edited 07-05-2016 21:08
07-05-2016 21:08 - edited 07-05-2016 21:08
on 07-05-2016 21:16
on 07-05-2016 21:16
on 07-05-2016 21:23
on 07-05-2016 21:23