on 08-07-2014 19:07
on 08-07-2014 19:07
on 10-07-2014 10:03
on 12-07-2014 01:13
on 12-07-2014 01:13
EE has a large amount of Bandwith frequency to accomodate for new MVNO's. Vodafone have been letting a lot of the MVNO's go as they wish to concentrate more on their Business Arm.
In the long run both Vodafone and o2 will have the best indoor/outdoor coverage as their 2g/3g services will run on 900mhz and 4g on 800mhz.
EE & Three run 2g/3g services on their 1800mhz & 2100mhz frequency as they don't have any 900mhz bandwith.
The lower the frequency the better the indoor penetration and longer distance coverage.
on 13-07-2014 18:42
on 13-07-2014 18:42
Whilst 4G coverage is non-existant where I am (Fife, Scotland); the 3G signal is subjective to my location I've been finding when I'm indoors especially my signal is weak compared what it was like last year.
on 13-07-2014 18:44
on 13-07-2014 18:44