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Latest Trump Administration Madness

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I read this on the news this morning with total mouth dropped open amazement.

The Trump administration wants to vet certain visitors' social media history going back 5 years when applying for a visa to visit the US. It's believed this could affect over 14 million visitors.

There are no specifics as to which countries would be affected if made into law.

So they would be looking into your Twitter and Facebook accounts checking what you've posted on line under however many user names you've used over the past 5 years. And they would, of course, decide what they considered anti-US sentiment or extremist views.

As I said no countries were specified though quoting a figure of over 14 million affected would seem to cover quite a few.

And where Trump's administration would be getting the staff to do this vetting, as I doubt they have sufficient staff to cover such a mammoth task, they don't state.

Can you imagine someone sitting and going through 5 years' of Twitter and Facebook tweets and posts? Many people live in their Twitter and/or Facebook accounts and don't move without posting. Besides being probably the most boring job in the world, who exactly is going to do it?

This could just be Trump 'pie in the sky' nonsense or, if it becomes a reality, a real threat to privacy.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 1 of 20

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I read this and thought he was losing even more of the plot @Glory1

Must be the weirdest President of the USA . Sacking staff left right and centre, being accused of affairs (Clinton came close to being impeached for that).

I find it more than worrying that the two of the highest powers in the world US and N. Korea are being run by madmen. In fact the only decent thing Trump has done recently, is to come out in support of the UK against Russia in light of the nerve gas attack.

A link to the article you posted

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 2 of 20

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I read this and thought he was losing even more of the plot @Glory1

Must be the weirdest President of the USA . Sacking staff left right and centre, being accused of affairs (Clinton came close to being impeached for that).

I find it more than worrying that the two of the highest powers in the world US and N. Korea are being run by madmen. In fact the only decent thing Trump has done recently, is to come out in support of the UK against Russia in light of the nerve gas attack.

A link to the article you posted 



Tbh @Cleoriff I didn't think he had much more of the plot to lose! Like a spoiled child, disagree with him or threaten his perceived status And your gone. Particularly if you question his dealings with the Russians during the election.


And yes I also find it worrying that two Super Powers, N Korea and the US, are run by madmen. And let's not forget Russia run by another madman, Putin; befriended by Trump. Now all it needs is for Trump to become pally with Kim Jong Il and we're in real trouble.


The world is in a very precarious position with these 3 in power. I truly fear for us all.


I wait with baited breath to see what any of these 3 do next.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 3 of 20

Not applicable

And why not? Employers do it.. The police use it..


So why shouldn’t countries?

Message 4 of 20

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And why not? Employers do it.. The police use it..


So why shouldn’t countries?

Probably because of the time it would take @Anonymous. Have you ever travelled to the US as a visitor? The time it takes to get through customs and passport control is absolutely horrendous. Adds another 2 hrs to an already long journey as it stands currently. I can only imagine this farce would add more time. 

Maybe that's what Trump wants? To put people off coming into the US?

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 20

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Sorry @Anonymous being out of the working environment I wasn't aware that employers now viewed employees' on line history. Are we talking potential employees or those already employed? Either way I find it amazing as apart from an invasion of privacy, what exactly does it have to do with the job you are or will be doing?

Unless you are spending time in working hours posting when you should be working. In which case you should be sacked!

And as far as I'm aware the police view and use on line history in terrorist and criminal activities only. Though I admit this is what we're told not necessarily what happens.

I'm sorry but I'm just not into the 'Big Brother' society we're becoming based on what you've said. Personally, I don't tweet and rarely post on FB. Nor do I use any of the other numerous on line sites. Being a private person I'm not into splashing my life in full colour all over the internet. What I get up to is my business and no on else's. But for those who wish to live their lives in full view of the world fine. As long as they're not hatching a terrorist plot to blow us all to kingdom come or organising a drugs haul/major heist exactly whose business is it.

It's simple I mind my business and you mind yours.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 6 of 20

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As someone who worked in the NHS for years and employed staff we certainly never checked online history of any prospective employees. They don't do it now either.  

Both my sons are in full employment. One works for parcelforce and the other for a large warehouse company. Their details weren't checked. It was never part of the interview process. 

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 7 of 20

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And why not? Employers do it.. The police use it..


So why shouldn’t countries?

Probably because of the time it would take @Anonymous. Have you ever travelled to the US as a visitor? The time it takes to get through customs and passport control is absolutely horrendous. Adds another 2 hrs to an already long journey as it stands currently. I can only imagine this farce would add more time. 

Maybe that's what Trump wants? To put people off coming into the US?

Add to that @Cleoriff the cost to the US taxpayer to fund the salaries of the additional staff they'll have to employ to carry out this vetting. 


And without doubt it would put people off travelling to the US unless they're British, French or from one of the other favoured nations. Or unless, like me, you're an American citizen living in Britain smile


Not that I plan travelling to the US any time soon scream

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 8 of 20

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As someone who worked in the NHS for years and employed staff we certainly never checked online history of any prospective employees. They don't do it now either.  

Both my sons are in full employment. One works for parcelforce and the other for a large warehouse company. Their details weren't checked. It was never part of the interview process. 

Good to hear @Cleoriff. There's some sanity in the world then.

Lover of all things Samsung. Currently using Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus 128gb

Message 9 of 20

Not applicable

@Cleoriff If the only drawback is an extra delay when I go on my jollies then I’m not going to say no, the security of a country is far more important than me sunning myself for a few weeks!

But I’m thinking that’s not how it will work.. social media is monitored by the CIA, FBI & other security agencies.. so if you’re flagged up and security pull you aside.. then it’s just another check, like we already have at customs..


@Glory1 Read HERE a prime example of how social media monitoring can be used. Rightly or wrongly in this case.. you decide!! Just because you thought something a few years ago doesn’t mean you think it now, but if I saw posts about Islamaphobia / terrorism /nazi / sympathisers etc in someone’s past then I’m sure we shouldn’t be employing them in a security / diplomatic role. Oh and for certain security type jobs you are asked about your online habits and background checks are carried out.


Like you, I worry about big brother watching us. If I stick stuff out on the net for the world to peruse then I’d like to think the security services aren’t wasting an opportunity to monitor me and work out that I’m not a threat and therefore discount me from further enquiries. But if they want to delve into what I don’t put out there freely, then I’d like to think that they’d need a search warrant, currently they don’t need one for mobiles, read HERE

I also worry about the use of the phrase ‘if you aren’t doing wrong then you’ve nothing to worry about’ for the reasons stated above. I don’t want them trawling through my private emails, texts, data use unless there’s a good reason to. 


But for those who wish to live their lives in full view of the world fine. As long as they're not hatching a terrorist plot to blow us all to kingdom come or organising a drugs haul/major heist exactly whose business is it.


this part of your post worries me.. people who hatch terrorist plots don’t tend to do it in view of the world. They hide it.. which is why I think these checks are another way to gain an advantage over the criminals of this world!


It's simple I mind my business and you mind yours.


And this .. that’s fine if you’re a fine upstanding citizen (which I’m sure you are) but I don’t know you from Adam or what goes off behind your closed doors 😂 


Criminals use the information to kill us / steal from us and we’re furious it was allowed to happen, but when the security services want to use it to protect us... we’re up in arms.. 


I wouldn’t like to be the one who has to make the rules on this one.. tough calls to be made on all sides of the argument!




Message 10 of 20