on 10-02-2013 20:27
on 10-02-2013 20:27
If i was to give you one wish, and said you could change ANYTHING about yourself. what would it be?
i would enhance my self esteem. its terribly low for a fabulous person such as myself
i have asked this to a few of my friends, and i was amazed at how many would change *ahem* certain parts of the anatomy to please someone else...
on 15-02-2013 14:39
on 15-02-2013 14:39
on 15-02-2013 15:22
on 15-02-2013 15:22
Not quite haha........6'5"
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on 15-02-2013 16:55
on 15-02-2013 16:55
How much is that in meter? ôo
You could give me some cm At least 5, then I could go to the police or Fire Dept :'(
Yes.... BUT... All the pubs where closed so early! 😮
I didn't even find one when I had to stay some hours outside (didnt got me a hotel for the last night, 'cause the flight went at 7:30 in the morning)...
Even "Dirty **bleep**" was closed XD Sounded like something on Hamburg's "Reeperbahn" o.o