04-11-2014 14:08
04-11-2014 14:08
04-11-2014 14:23
04-11-2014 14:23
04-11-2014 14:23
Hope it doesn't bite
04-11-2014 14:25
04-11-2014 14:26
04-11-2014 14:28
04-11-2014 15:08
04-11-2014 15:08
Nandroid. I am confused. Is your Tevez the biter or the diver....I them mixed up...
Veritas Numquam Perit
04-11-2014 15:09
04-11-2014 15:11
04-11-2014 15:11
Tevez is good for diving but scores a lot too.
04-11-2014 15:28
04-11-2014 15:28
@Beenherebefore wrote:Tevez is good for diving but scores a lot too.
They both score a lot...but are both dirty ...so I would have to say personally, I prefer the diver to the biter..:smileywink:
Veritas Numquam Perit
04-11-2014 15:35