30-03-2019 09:30 - edited 30-03-2019 09:37
30-03-2019 09:30 - edited 30-03-2019 09:37
Welcome to the next in the series of Challenges:
Some of the well-known Beatles`s songs began with different "working titles"; some UK albums initially had different suggested titles; some UK albums were released in other countries with different titles.
The Challenge is can you identify which alternative title refers to which song, UK album, or UK album released in another country?
Below, in three separate posts, are the alternative titles to:
40 SONGS; 13 UK ALBUMS; and 15 UK ALBUMS released in other countries.
Hint: some ALBUMS, released in the UK, had more than one suggested title.
RULES: please no googling, wiki, website, social media searches for the answers
You may post one answer from one catagory - Songs; or UK Albums; or UK Albums in other country - in each post but not one from each catagory. You may only post one entry per day.
Entries should state which catagory, the alternative title, and what it refers to
[for example, using the famous example "scrambled eggs", which is not in the Challenge, would read:
SONG: "scrambled eggs" = Yesterday ]
Entries for each day will be open from midnight until 11pm.
The Challenge will not be open until midnight tonight [Sat/Sun 30/31 March 2019].
Results will be announced at 11pm with a list of answers still to be found in each catagory.
on 11-04-2019 08:18
on 11-04-2019 08:18
on 11-04-2019 08:52
on 11-04-2019 08:52
on 11-04-2019 21:41
on 11-04-2019 21:41
on 11-04-2019 21:43
on 11-04-2019 21:43
I think we may be about to hit a wall...
on 11-04-2019 21:55
on 11-04-2019 21:55
on 11-04-2019 21:56
on 11-04-2019 21:56
on 11-04-2019 22:00
on 11-04-2019 22:00
There can't be many left now, assuming previous attempts were correct.
on 11-04-2019 22:00
on 11-04-2019 22:00
@jonsie wrote:I think we may be about to hit a wall...
If it helps, this is the position.
When I gave the results last night, there were seven answers to find.
Four of you have submitted answers, but I am not saying until 11pm whether they are correct, as there is still time for @Bambino and @pgn to give their`s.
At things stand at the moment, there could be as many as seven answers or as few as one to find.
All will become clear at 11pm. Only an hour to wait.
on 11-04-2019 22:32
on 11-04-2019 22:32
Well I expect mine to be wrong as it was a pure guess. I'll be guessing now as I've run dry as regards Beatles knowledge!
on 11-04-2019 22:36
on 11-04-2019 22:36