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8 Riddles on the 8/8 at 8:08pm - Summer Community Event

Level 6: Acolyte
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Happy Summer to you all and Welcome to my Addition for the Community Event.


8 Riddles on the 8th of the 8th at 8:08pm (Loosely Themed Around Summer)


I love all sorts of riddles and enjoy looking for patterns and connections in things such as all the 8's in today's date and time. I now aim to share some of these riddles with you, which I've curated around the theme of 'summer', so hopefully you'll join in with a few guesses or even ask for a clue if there is a partially challenging riddle.


Before we begin there are a few rules I want to add in order to help everyone feel included:

  1. I will release one riddle at a time and reply to answers submitted - When a correct answer is received I will release the next riddle in the comments. (I will not be able to edit my original post to add the new riddles due to the O2 time constraints of editing a post)
  2. Please only guess once in a row - To allow other to join in please only submit another guess or answer the new riddle if someone other than me has posted in between your last reply.
  3. If the game is particularly slow (which could be the case due to having this event in the evening) please disregard rule 2 and feel free to submit a second answer in a row, this mainly applies if no other guesses have been received for at least 15 minutes.
  4. I have tried to have put the riddles into a scaling difficulty, however at any point if you would like a clue please let me know in the comments so I can reply with a hint - Please bear in mind I will wait at least 15 minutes after a request of a clue in case someone else answers.
  5. Hopefully you'll all enjoy this game, I believe all riddles to be solvable with thought so for the fun of others please avoid using google or otherwise seeking out the answers just to post them here.


Thanks for reading the first riddle will be released below at 8:08pm...


RIDDLE ONE: Individually I’m very small but mix me in a bucket with some water and you can make a castle…. What am I?


Don't forget to follow this threads comments to see the new riddles and play along because as mentioned they will be released one by one in the comments once the previous riddle is solved. (This is due to the maximum edit time of my original post)


Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate, I will be here to help the game progress but as this is my first ever event please go easy on me and hopefully we can all enjoy my addition to the Summer Community Event.


Finally if this game goes past midnight, which it might do due to the time of the event, then I will pause it until midday on the 9th August - During these 12 hours feel free to guess/ ask for a clue but please note that I won't be around to monitor and update the next riddle until noon on the 9th.


Good Luck!


"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 1 of 48

Level 6: Acolyte
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Congratulation to BobM, who managed to get the bonus answer correct. The word was ABSTAINS and their summer sentence was spot on. (Although I feel sorry for your friend. 😏)


Thanks Mi-Amigo, you did really well and were so fast. Thank again for joining in and tagging the regular quizzers for me.


Special mention to Cleoriff too, for getting lots of correct answers despite claiming they aren't very cryptic. Great effort and thanks for joining in.


Thanks also to Jonsie for attempting to answer a couple of times but just being beaten to it by other members. I appreciate you hanging out and hopefully you'll have better luck next time.


THANK YOU ALL.... For making my first community event a success, I didn't think we would get through everything tonight so congratulations all round. I'm glad you all liked it and until next time enjoy your summers as well as the rest of the community events.



"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 41 of 48

Level 27: Desk Jockey
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Good game @Comben - bit different, thank you, was good fun,

Well done all 👍

Message 42 of 48

Level 77: Grand Master
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Well that looked fun, @Comben - missed it, sadly - busy evening here, but loved the anagram at the end, reminds me of a chef:


Also French for 'lowering', "Mon choix, dit-il, baissant les yeux." - not valid, but interesting. 👨‍🏫

Message 43 of 48

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Thanks for the message pgn, sorry about the timings, I got obsessed with the 8's in the date + time and rolled with it. 😂


Does abstains remind you of the chef, Sat Bains because it rhymes? I read their wikipedia entry and realised they don't take criticism well so I hope it's not that. 😝


Also great French knowledge, I had to translate your sentence to understand what it meant, but I'll award you a style point even though your sentence isn't summer related. 👍

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 44 of 48

Level 77: Grand Master
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Thank you, @Comben - I was just being cheeky, but the bonus point is appreciated 🤣

And well done on a good game!

Message 45 of 48

Level 52: Innovator
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Hi there @Comben 

Sorry missed event ~ it was great and well done all 


Message 46 of 48

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This looked awesome @Comben! I'm too slow at riddles so I wouldn't have been able to compete. Really liked number 8 🗺

Message 47 of 48

Level 6: Acolyte
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Thank you TallTrees and Breanna for your feedback. 😊

It was great fun to organise and watch play out. It took a fair amount of research to make it summer themed and then have the answers create an anagram at the end but it was worth the effort when everyone seems to have enjoyed it.

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious"
Albert Einstein
Message 48 of 48