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Replacement Handsets - what a joke !

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After having 3xW910i (original plus 2 replacements) and a W580i (replacement for the faylty w910i's) and all being faulty within 2weeks of receiving them (original W910i lasted 6 months)im begining to wonder what is going on. Is it a simple case of a faulty handset being recieved at O2 and someone does a quick turn on turn off test and then deems it ok to send back out or is it actually sent away for repair/refurb. ?????? Ive just called O2 today to arrange a replacememt for the W580i to be told "im suprised they sent you that as it has had loads of problems" !?!?!?!?!..........Now am i just unlucky as last year i got a K610i which had to be replaced due to a fault so in total in the last 18mths ive had 5 faulty phones sent out to me. Lets hope the replacement W960i is flawless as my patience is begining to wear thin.
Message 1 of 13

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My SE k850i had to be repaired three times (and was eventually replaced). All I know is "it went to Norwich". Who to, I dont know!
Message 2 of 13

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Well i dont actually know if the w960i was working flawlessly as they sent me out another w580i - hurray for O2 returns department. I phoned them today 5mins after the phone arrived and explained their error..........i called before 4pm so id better be getting the handset in the morning or there will be trouble - patients extremely thin now!
Message 3 of 13

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It gets better, i call them this morning to ask when the phone is likey to arrive to be told "sorry you wont be getting it as its out of stock" WHAT ! So not only they send me the wrong handset their now telling me the one i want is now out of stock but strangely was in stock yesterday. I then call customer care and in no uncertain terms explain my displeasure at the way things are going i.e 3 faulty refurbished phones in 6 weeks and a wrong handset being sent. This agent tells me that the W960 isnt out of stock but that is the status it shows when they are awaiting the return of the faulty handset, upon which they will send out the w960. This just made me more mad, i was promised a doorstep swap so why would you be waiting for me to return it before you send the new phone out and why on earth should i have to wait a week for my phone when the one im returning is a phone i didnt want cos' you sent the wrong phone out in the first place...............have been promised a call back today, i hope that goes better.
Message 4 of 13

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Wow! so I'm not alone in this situation.
I'm going through exactly the same scenario myself and it's still ongoing! The only difference so far is I haven't been sent a wrong handset....yet!

I've had 4 Viewty's within the last few months all going wrong, the last one being the worst.

I've repeatedly asked for a new hand set only to be told its got to be 'boxed'- a new term used now for refurb.
why, oh why do O2 instist on sending these rubbish refurbs out when they know they've been returned cos they don't work?? I think you're right when you say they must simply switch the handset on and assume its working when it boot up-but its not cos its been returned!

I've been onto O2 as many times in the last few day asking why the doorstep exchange hasn't happened as per arranged, only to be told they're waiting for the Viewty to be returned. I'm sick of repeating myself as each call centre person is assuring me it's 'all sorted for doorstep exchange' to find its not. I'm sick of paying recorded postage returning the damn sets, thats why its doorstep exchange, BUT I've just read some of the T & C's and is states O2 will bear the postage costs, but when you read the returns paperwork it recommends you paying for recorded delivery in case the handset goes missing, so what IS going on???

I too have made 3 calls to their complaints section-the first one confirmed my 'boxed' handset would be with me day after this bank hol (Tuesday)-this was also confirmed by call centre staff, then told no its now Wednesday because its bank Hols!! Bank Hols don't suddenly appear do they 😐 so why give misleading info out?
Run a **** in a brewery comes to mind.

Yesterday I asked to speak to returns who confirmed doorstep exchange for Wednesday......I'll not hold my breath.......
Message 5 of 13

Level 9: Fired up
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If i told you that the W910i and the K850i have been the "worst phones" that SE have ever made would this help.

Sony themselves have said that both these phones where designed by ericsson rather than sony and they flopped. Why do you think the C902 came out so quickly. they had to replace at least one of the phones fast. One of my friends went through 3 or 4 K850's in less than a month and has had 7 overall.

The returns on the W910 are around 31% worldwide and the K850 was less but not bu that much still in the high 20's.

Dont worry you are not alone. Hope this helps ease your mind that it's not just you.

Message 6 of 13

Level 28: Ingenious
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Regarding the Sony Ericsson problems.

Most of the faults are related to the firmware and can be resolved by updating your phones using the sony ericsson update service on the internet.

Dave is correct regarding the w910 and k850.

When the C905 is released, Sony have currently not going to mass produce the phone due to consumer loosing confidence in the k850 and w910.

The k850 could have been a good phone if more thought went into the design.

I hope that the C905 has less problems or this may see more problems in the SE camp
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Message 7 of 13

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Steer well clear of SE phones , they always have and always will have too many firmware issues. Sony Ericsson are just no good when it comes to designing handset firmware. Although I can hardly talk as I use a SE K800i for nights out, the one thing they can get right is the camera quality in their phones.
Message 8 of 13

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I've been having issues with my W910i too. Took it into Epsom with a catalogue of issues, and they sent it away. It came back having been reset with upgraded firmware. However, same problems kept occurring! Obviously it wasn't properly fixed so got Epsom to send it back again. Seems they couldn't fix it after all so sent a replacement W910i handset, all shiny and new.

However, the problems are STILL occurring with this new handset!! It does surprise me somewhat as I'm a fan of SE phones and have had a string of them with no issues. I especially like my K810i which I keep as a back-up, the only issue I've had with that is the joystick is not as responsive any more.

My question, if anyone can advise, is whether I can argue successfully for a different model to replace the W910i if it still can't be fixed? I have til June next year to run on my contract and while I'm usually quite patient I don't think I'll be able to cope with it until then! :robotsad:

Message 9 of 13

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Just to set the SE record straight -
I've only had SE phones for last 6 yrs or so.
T610 -> K750i -> C905.
They have all been excellent in their day, with none being returned as faulty.
I agree the firmware can be a bit flaky at first, but one fresh loading of software has always fixed the problem for me...

Good luck - keep the faith!
Message 10 of 13