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Forum Posts

Community platform bugs, issues and suggestions

Hey everyone, This topic is a place where we will keep the community updated about the status of any issues or bugs affecting the community platform that we are aware of and have reported. We will keep an up to date tracker of what the issue is, when...

Martin-O2 by Former Staff
  • 213 replies
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Guide Updates

GUIDE UPDATESRecent discussions HERE about locking guides a week or so after they were posted, resulted in an agreement to have a section where all of us could ask for a guide to be updated if we felt it necessary. So I'll start it off. The first gui...

Cleoriff by Level 94: Supreme
  • 45 replies
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O2 suprises

Is it just me or are the O2 suprises another way of getting money. Good to see O2 differing the prizes, but why add ones that cause you to spend more money.Not happy at all, why do i want a spa day, a make up session or a free music track.Has anyone ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Requesting "proof of purchase", absolutely appalling

Bit of a rant.Phone was stolen last week, rang O2 to block immediately which they did. Said they would send a proof of purchase confirmation through email and post to give to the insurance. Never arrived (gave it a week), so rang up and they said the...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Credit Referral

Can somebody please tell me who I can contact regarding a credit referral for an O2 contract ?I applied for a new contract though a third-party and was declined.Thanks

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Not Happy

After two and a half years on Home Broadband Premium @ speeds of 11Mb plus download and 1Mb upload problems started last week. The router started dropping out and re syncing up to 900 times, 2nd line tech said it was a record for him!Anyway they did ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Ten pound contract change back help?

I have a contract with O2 obviously and I top up 10 pound a month and get unlimited texts and 10 pounds to spend on what ever. ( Calls ect.. ) I got a text from O2 saying, ring this and you will get unlimited texts and 100 minutes but will cost you y...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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O2 repairs

Hey, I Sent my phone off to be repaired and i've tracked it and says its been despatched, but I was wondering if anyone knows roughly how long it will take to get to me now its at this stage.Thanks

Anonymous by Not applicable
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2g/3g problem

hi all,i live in nottingham where i get pretty much 100% 3g coverage.for the past few days i have been travelling out to rural lincolnshire which only has 2g.the problem is that my motorola defy when set to auto 2g/3g will not switch to 2g - it just ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Security Issue -

I have today received a spam email on an email address I only use on these forums. This makes me think that the forums have been compromised and that there maybe a data protection issue :mansurprised:My forum email address is the format NAMEnnnnn@dom...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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