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Very annoyed customer

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To whom it may concern

I have two phone contracts with you currently and on the 17th November I ordered a third phone as a Christmas Gift, I ordered a Iphone 5C 16gb in White, the order was accepted with delivery for next day. Due to not wanting the phone this early I chose to take advantage of your offer to delay the delivery until the 17th December.
17th December arrives yet the phone does not, I telephone your customer services who tell me that the phone is no longer available and has been discontinued, I am outraged that the day it is suppose to arrive I am calling you to find out where my delivery is and I am being told its not arriving, I go to your online chat and they are still offering me the same phone yet it has been discontinued. I asked to speak with a manager and there is not one available but I will get a call back within the hour. The hour passed and no call, I then call again to wait another 26 minutes before getting through and again ask to speak with a manager, I then have to go through the whole scenario again before I am told that a manager is not available to talk to but they will see what they can do. An offer comes back that I will receive a Iphone 5s free of charge and then run a sim only contract at £13 per month, I am happy with that and accept as I will be saving £15 per month. I am then on the phone for a further 30 minutes arranging this for the sim only and delivery. I am told the manager will call me later on in the evening to confirm despatch of the phone. Surprise surprise I dont receive a call.
The phone arrives the following day at my home address when I asked for it to be delivered to my work address, not a great start, My wife arrives home and calls me to confirm the phone has arrived BUT there is no box, no charger, no instructions just a refurbished iphone 5s wrapped in cardboard. This is a christmas gift for my daughter, how can I give this as a gift, totally unacceptable. Yet again I am back on the phone to customer services demanding to speak with a manager after 22 minutes of waiting to get through i get to speak with a manager. His name is Mark Black from the Rotherham call centre, again I have to go through the whole scenario and he agrees this is not right and I am being treated outrageously. He goes away and agrees to call me back on my works telephone number. Eureka he calls me back within the hour, (finally someone taking some ownership) he has agreed to send me a iphone 5c in white 32gb as per my original order, it is confirmed that it will be dispatched and delivered next day, another contract to sign. He also agrees to phone me the next day to discuss compensation as the £20 he has offered is not satisfactory. I then go to your online chat that evening as I have not been given an order number, the online chat confirms the phone will be dispatched and guaranteed next day delivery.
It is now Wednesday and finally hoping this is the day that this awful mess will come to an end!!!! 2pm and nothing has arrived. I have to telephone again, another 24 minutes wasted on hold this time I ask to speak with Mark Black from the Rotherham office who agreed the day before to call me, I am told I cannot be put through as they dont know his extension number, I am outraged that this is happening, how in this day of technology can you not be transferred to a manager or a particular call centre anywhere in the world. I am told a manger will call me back before 4pm, Ten minutes past four there is no phone call from a manager or anyone, I call the customer service number and again a 28 minute wait before getting through to an operator, I ask to speak immediately with a manager, I am put through to a manager in Cape Town by the name of Shane, I have to explain everything again and by this time I am livid, then Shane tells me the phone that Mark Black has agreed to send is out of stock. What am I supposed to do this is now less than 7 days before Christmas and my daughters main gift does not exist, Shane from Cape town then asks if he can call me back in a day or two!!!!!! A day or two!!!! its nearly Christmas absolutely not i reply, he agrees to call me back within the hour with a solution. Shane calls me back to confirm the phone is in stock and I will receive it tomorrow ( Friday), I am concerned and ask what will happen should it not arrive, he agrees to call me on Friday morning to confirm the delivery is out with the courier or if there has been another mess up he will be calling to sort it out and also to confirm what compensation will be offered. 
Friday arrives, the phone has finally arrived by lunchtime. There is still no phone call from Shane your manager in Cape Town or Mark Black your manager from Rotherham and there is also no compensation in place.
This is a whole week of me chasing my order that was agreed 5 weeks prior for a phone that was in stock, I dread to think how many credit applications for a phone have been carried out against my name and if any of them have been cancelled. Total hours on the phone trying to solve this has been 8 hours 58 minutes and 34 seconds. This is a whole working day and that in value of lost work time is in excess of £500,it is time that I have wasted and totally unnecessary, there has been no customer service involved, not one person has wanted to take ownership and make me feel like a valued customer. I work for Jaguar UK ensuring our customers are listened to, feel valued and receive the very best in customer service. If we behaved like this our business would vanish overnight.
I await your response within 24 hours to rectify this damage before pursuing this matter further.


Message 1 of 23

Not applicable
We are all mostly customers here so please don't expect any official replies.

What an awful experience and they try to pass off a refurbished model.

Come on O2 😔

Please re contact O2 Customer Services. if you want a faster response ,and also remove your personal info.


As you've been contacting customer service quite a few times without success you can opt to use but expect around 28 days for a response.
Message 2 of 23

Level 94: Supreme
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Yet again another story in support of our advice to never order online and to always go in store.....
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 3 of 23

Not applicable

hi @paultracycamp 


This is a customer forum so nobody in here can help you. You need  to ring 202 again or email the complaint you have posted to

They will take up to 10 days to get back to you. Hope this helps. slight_smile

Message 4 of 23

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I would be surprised if the OP returns..... They obviously think they have dashed off their very furious letter of complaint to O2...:smileysad:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 5 of 23

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Mostly all repetition
I have no affiliation whatsoever with O2 or any subsidiary companies. Comments posted are entirely of my own opinion. This is not Customer Service so we are unable to help with account specific issues.
Please select the post that helped you best and mark as the solution. This helps other members in resolving their issues faster. Thank you.
Message 6 of 23

Not applicable

Let's hope as their forum name has been highlighted as a 'mention', and that feature is turned on in their settings ,they get an email to their inbox prompting their return. Maybe. 

Message 7 of 23

Not applicable
Why did they say it was in stock when the 16gb model was discontinued ages ago. Only the 8gb has been available since at least September
Message 8 of 23

Level 94: Supreme
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@MI5 wrote:
Mostly all repetition

@MI5  Your memory continues to amaze me....good call....

They never came back to that thread you linked to best left alone now I think ....:smileysad:

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 9 of 23

Not applicable

@Anonymous wrote:
Why did they say it was in stock when the 16gb model was discontinued ages ago. Only the 8gb has been available since at least September

It is confusing as the Op said 


"ordered a Iphone 5C 16gb in White" and then "he has agreed to send me a iphone 5c in white 32gb as per my original order,"


I too wonder if they've sent the 8gb capacity !

Message 10 of 23