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Upcoming design additions

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Hi guys, how’s your day going?


One of the things we have been working on is a promo image slot that is going to be placed at the top of the forum thread pages soon. We have some options to choose from that I’d like to get your input on before we push any of the configurations live. Cat Happy

You can see illustrative screenshots of the two design options below. We will either have 2 images or just one longer banner displayed. These will be especially for the benefit of new members who are just joining, and to optimise traffic and awareness to different parts of the site. Bear in mind that the images in the screenshots below are just examples and we will be working on the exact content soon.

So I would like to get your views on the following options:

  • 2 smaller images or just one elongated image, at the top of the thread pages (see screenshots below)
  • Visible for all users on the forum, or if you have objections (please elaborate), then it can be made visible for only non-logged in users.

Looking forward to seeing your input and which option you prefer seeing. slight_smile


Cheers all and have a great weekend!



Design option 1: 2 image links at the top of the thread page

Community Promo design 2


Design option 2: one elongated image link at the top of the thread page

Community Promo design 2

Message 1 of 70

Not applicable
Hooray for @Anonymous !

Another one added to the long list of members who wish to see these points addressed asap.
Message 11 of 70

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Speaking for myself and my opinion only, it's high time this community was restored to it's primary function, a place where someone can come to get help and answers about their contract, their phone nand it's functions or anything related. without wading through endless waffle and people posting in every thread when they have nothing meaninful to say or to contribute. We are all guilty of this.

I've said it before and got shot down when people got defensive, I have facebook if I want social media and I have news and technology sites if I want the latest information. It can become a real struggle wading through stuff to get to a genuine problm.

You can probably split the community down the middle with members liking the present state of things as opposed to those who think a support forum should be just that.

Message 12 of 70

Not applicable
I assumed by posting those type of threads in the off topic area it put a stop to stop having to wade through stuff jonsie
Message 13 of 70

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As you know @jonsie  I will always respect your wisdom. Indeed you have taught me so much.

However, not being very technically minded, if it wasn't for the Discussion threads (and occasionally Off topic) my personal role here would be very restricted.

I can't answer technical questions...and knowing my limitations I wont even try (until I am sure of my facts)

So I am one of those people with a foot in both camps. I love to learn new stuff from the technically minded on here...but I can only aspire to have the knowledge that you have..

I am not putting myself down in any way...but informative learning and teaching topics in the discussions threads also teach me a lot...

I also think there is a need for places such as Wantys and the Virtual lounge....where people can relax and blow off a bit of steam

There are many levels of knowledge on here...and for folk like me who live to learn...I enjoy what I currently get involved with ...(so... as you can see I have given my personal perspective) wink

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 14 of 70

Not applicable

@Marjo   Perhaps, in view of my earlier response, I may have lost the right to comment on the proposed introduction of one or two images as outlined in your original post.  However, my mind, and heart, have been much exercised by another thread regarding the potentially calamitous consequences for O2 customers who for whatever reason are deemed to have defaulted on even one monthly payment. Good advice has already been posted for the benefit of users, but I wonder if you and others who will ultimately decide as regards the images to be introduced might consider including in those images a clear warning to new and even exisitng O2 customers about what can happen if payments are late or missed altogether.   A prominent up front link might also be given to advice on how affected customers should proceed in order to have credit rating notices removed or modified.

I await with interest the new page design.



Message 15 of 70

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Extremely good call @Anonymous 

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 16 of 70

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Hopefully they will take opinions on board but we have to accept some design change. We got our way when we rebelled against the previous design which completely messed up the layout. Let's hope we don't have the same problem with the new design. Maybe they should introduce a beta version that a couple of people can use before going full pelt?

Message 17 of 70

Not applicable

@Cleoriff wrote:

Extremely good call @Anonymous 

Thank you Ma'm!  The whole credit rating thingy has sort of knocked me sideways.  Life is tough enough for young people nowadays without rigid, unthinking bureaucracy making things unnecessarily more difficult for them.  Glad I have reached the "early years of old age"!  Whistle




Message 18 of 70

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@jonsie  What's a beta edition? Is that a trial ...where someone is selected to trial it?...Smiley Embarassed

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 19 of 70

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Yes that's exactly it. When the original forum was changed to Lithium around a dozen regulars were given superuser status to log into the new forum and test all the sections etc passing on any issues or problems back to admin.

The fact that most were ignored is beside the point LOL

Message 20 of 70