on 09-06-2018 05:48
on 10-06-2018 22:33
Hi @Thetinggoesskra and Welcome to O2 Community Forum...! Services may not works as should be,... but O2 Community is on top of it...!
Here around Tower Hamlets works G4 OK...!
on 11-06-2018 22:56
on 11-06-2018 22:56
@MI5 wrote:
Yes it's something we often advise to avoid congestion.
And it works! Left pic shows the 3G test result, taken after switching to the 2G/3G only setting in my SIM and Network settings screen, where the Right pic shows how bad things were on the 4G signal (compare the Mobile Data indicator in the status bar across the top of each of the Screenshots!)
on 12-06-2018 01:15
on 12-06-2018 01:15
on 11-12-2018 18:17
I have this issue in Peckham ALL the time.
It is extremely frustrating. And it's not just me, my boyfriend who is also on O2, has the same problem.
There is also the same problem at London Bridge station at rush hour - that I can understand, I'm sure that is congestion, although it is still infuriating in this day and age! But why is there always congestion in Peckham? There are no where near as many people there as in London Bridge.
I reported a fault and was fobbed off with: "We’ve been checking for faults in your area but haven’t been able to find any."
Which is a load of rubbish because if they sent someone to Rye Lane/ or Peckham Rye station they would clearly see that data does not work there.
Thinking of changing networks because I go through Peckham Rye station all the time and this is a total pain. What's the point in paying for data if you cannot use it when you need to.
11-12-2018 18:22 - edited 11-12-2018 18:24
11-12-2018 18:22 - edited 11-12-2018 18:24
Have you tried switching from 2g/3g/4g auto to 2g/3g only? Just in the busy areas at times of poor network response?
I have the same problem every weekday from 13:00 to 17;00, switchng back to 3g does help, immensely.
11-12-2018 18:34 - edited 11-12-2018 18:34
11-12-2018 18:34 - edited 11-12-2018 18:34
No I hadn't thought of that until I came across this thread just now.
I will definitely try it though - I believe you that it will help.
It's just not very convenient, having to switch back and forth. I can see that I will forget to switch back to 4G again. But I will try it as a temporary workaround.
Also I wanted to add it's not just weekdays - we had problems on the weekend a couple of weeks ago too.
on 11-12-2018 18:38
on 11-12-2018 18:38
on 11-12-2018 19:10
on 11-12-2018 19:35
on 11-12-2018 19:35
There are a few to choose from so see what you like, but something like this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.geekonweb.switch2g3g&hl=en
on 25-10-2019 11:10
This has been going on for a few years now. My search out of frustration has brought me to this thread.
I experience the issue everyday as I pass through Peckham in the morning and the evening. My iphone shows a good signal but can't seem to get any data (email/internet). Tried putting the phone into airplane mode and off again but doesn't help. Sometimes I can get 'No service' message for 2 - 3 mins.
I've even had my number ported to a different SIM and used different phones to no avail.
To exasperate it even further, it now seems to be spreading out to Nunhead. I have to leave the phone connected to wifi all the time at home now.
Is anything going to be done about this?