on 18-02-2019 18:41
on 18-02-2019 18:41
A meet-up of Community members has been mentioned before, but not for a long time & nothing really much came of it
I'm just suggesting a get-together again to see what people think of the idea
on 19-02-2019 04:13
on 20-02-2019 21:53
Good on you @liggerz87
I live in Skipton, North Yorkshire & can travel by train to most places
What are your thoughts?
My post has received a lot of views & 1 reply, thank you @liggerz87
I'm not too surprised for low replies, if honest, for various reasons
on 20-02-2019 22:02
Hi @Anonymous
Great idea.
Unfortunately travelling is a bit of a problem for me personally but can say I know (although I couldnt go) that get-togethers of members of other unrelated forums were a great success with good turn out.
Good luck with yours
on 20-02-2019 23:27
@Mi-Amigo wrote:Hi @Anonymous
Great idea.
Unfortunately travelling is a bit of a problem for me personally but can say I know (although I couldnt go) that get-togethers of members of other unrelated forums were a great success with good turn out.
Good luck with yours
Thank you for your post @Mi-Amigo
I've been on this forum for approximately 5 years
I'm not a member of any other forum
However, I do Facebook & am a member of a lot of groups eg to do with cats / photography / humour / politics / 'tea & chat'
This year our year at the grammar school I went to is holding one of its reunions ... = ... 'Class of 65 will be 65' ... during the Summer holidays - this includes a tour around the school which I am looking forward to eg there are now classrooms over the hall whereas in my day there were 2 balconies overlooking the hall
on 21-02-2019 14:06
Hey @Anonymous, I remember some discussions we had about this in the past. It sounds like a nice idea. I think it didn't come to anything earlier because we couldn't decide a location that would suit everyone who wanted to join in as we were all scattered in different places around the UK.
It would be nice to hear though if anyone has any solutions to suggest though.
on 22-02-2019 12:19
@Marjo wrote:Hey @Anonymous, I remember some discussions we had about this in the past.
It sounds like a nice idea. I think it didn't come to anything earlier because we couldn't decide a location that would suit everyone who wanted to join in as we were all scattered in different places around the UK.
It would be nice to hear though if anyone has any solutions to suggest though.
Birmingham ... as it's central to GB ... sorry for those members in Ireland, but anyone interested may consider travelling
I just hought it was a rather nice idea to meet up in say the Summer when travelling would be easier
I wouldn't know any venue in Brum, but it would have to be easily accessed by public transport to allow those who'd like a drink to be able to leave their car at home ... (I don't drive)
Thank you @liggerz87 & @Mi-Amigo for responding to my initial post ... BUT ... none of The Regulars have shown any interest @Marjo ... it would be for Admin to organise
So it looks maybe that we have A Jacob's Join at wherever Mi-Amigo is ... I'll do the food if @liggerz87 & @Mi-Amigo could sort out the drinks (soft included) between them
on 22-02-2019 12:31
on 22-02-2019 12:31
Sorry @Anonymous, when the idea was first suggested years ago I was all for it.
Now due to a change in circumstances, I wouldn't be up to the travel. I have my own 'chauffeur' and he isn't a member of this forum...so wouldn't be interested in taking me...
Veritas Numquam Perit
on 22-02-2019 22:54
Good Evening @Cleoriff
I apologise for not replying sooner
I read your post early this afternoon on my mobile ... however ... I've been at a birthday party & unable to reply properly ... I use my pc when on the forum
I am truly sorry that you find yourself in circumstances which mean you would be unable to attend a get-together
I was not implying that I was the 1st person on the forum to suggest a get-together ... it's just that I seriously would like to meet face to face with the friendly people I have come to know & respect in the 5 years I've been on the forum
Cleo, the best thing you have ever said to me is the following: You have an over active brain / mind (sorry I don't remember which word you used) ... this in your lifetime vocational career in nursing from cadet nurse to nursing management ... = ... Once a nurse always a nurse ... it is common knowledge on the forum that I suffer with Bi-Polar Disorder ... = ... it helps me to be me ie a relief as in my real life it sorts the sheep from the goats meaning by illconsidered people in my life outside the laptop I am perceived as weak (I'm actually soft on the outside, strong on th,e inside) I frequently get $h*t ... I have found I have a life here ok it's a bit 'artificial in an IT way' so-to-speak
I would really really love to meet you @Cleoriff ... = ... you will know this ... & ... meet all others, of course
I lead a quiet life, which suits me tbh ... yes, I have a few good friends, 3 of which, including me, had the same psychiatric consultant ... we have different personalities & are from different backgrounds ... & ... just slowly, not by design, are now commonly known in the hotel bar as The Loony Lot ... that hotel bar is where we generally gather on an afternoon ... & ... because my fave cafe has recently closed down I consider the hotel to be my 2nd home, be it in the bar area, at the bar or in the lounge where there are comfy easy chairs & settee + log fire this time of year
I have digressed rather more than somewhat havn't I?
I sincerely hope the forum can manage a get-together ... & ... hopefully perhaps another member of the forum could possibly act as your 'chauffer' Cleo
Best Wishes to the Naughtiest Member of the forum ... ... ... always
PS: ... I wonder what sort of member I am on the forum? ... I wouldn't have had any votes in the poll ... = ... I'm not that kinda person ... I voted you @Cleoriff as The Friendliest Member ... ie amongst the few votes I made
Goodnight Vienna ... ... ... off now to the Virtual Lounge to open up The Bar
on 28-02-2019 01:58