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Kitsound Boom Evolution not recieved

Not applicable
Anyone else had a free kitsound boom evolution not received yet? I ordered my phone middle of December and yet middle of January not recieved it yet, I know it's a free gift but as part or a deal on purchase I expect to recieve it at the same sort or time not been told it won't be in till middle of February. Not happy I'm sure o2 won't be so keen on waiting for there payments until the middle of February bloody ridiculous if you can't honour a deal/offer don't sell it im sure this must fall into sale of goods act 1970
Message 1 of 67

Level 56: Guvnor
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I have to agree @Cleoriff not good at all
Message 61 of 67

Not applicable

Dear O2,

Further to my recent communication associated to order number ms-XxxXXXX
I would like to raise the following concerns:

When I purchased the Sony Xperia Content you advertised the fact that in
addition I would receive the Kitsound Boom Speaker also. Please note this
was one of the main reasons that I chose to purchase this phone and through
you s the provider.

I received an email notification confirming the purchase on the 20/11/2014
19:02. In this email it confirms that the Kitsound Speaker is to be sent
also with cost of £0.00 indicated.

The handset was received but no Kitsound Boom Speakers.

I then contacted you to inform you that the handset had been received but I
had not received the speakers. Your colleague informed me that they were
delivered the day after the handset and accused indirectly accused of lying
that they had not arrived.

After they accepted that the speakers had not been received I was then
informed that I was not entitled to them as they were only available for
the first 200 customers. This was not documented anywhere on the
advertisement or in your terms and conditions.

My view is that your representative is making excuses to try and void
financial redress for the speakers not being received due to the fact that
the offer had now finished.

The fact that my ongoing complaint was still being investigated after the
cut off date for the Kitsound Speaker does not remove your obligation to
provide the speakers or goods to the the value of £199.99 as stated via
your terms and conditions.

1. Subject to these terms, you are eligible to claim a Kitsound Boom
Evolution speaker worth £199.99, free of charge when you purchase a
Samsung S5, Samsung Alpha, Samsung Note 4, HTC One, Nokia 930, LG G3,
Sony Z3, Sony Z3 Compact or Amazon Fire from O2 on a Pay Monthly
tariff with a data allowance of 10GB or 20GB during the promotion
period. This offer is available in O2 Stores and on This
offer was previously available on our Pay Monthly tariff with a data
allowance of 8GB, which is no longer available from 11th December

If purchasing your handset through your speaker will be
dispatched with your handset. If the speaker is out of stock your
speaker will be delivered as soon as possible.

In the event of a dispute O2's decision will be final. In the event
of unforeseen circumstances the Promoter reserves the right to
substitute the free or half price gift for an alternative of equal or
greater value. No correspondence will be entered into.

I would also to highlight my extreme dissatisfaction that a member of your
staff swore at me in Afrikaans, this is not the type of customer service
one would anticipate or deserve when I am entering into a relationship with
you as a provider. I want a full audit carried out on all of the phone
calls which I have made post the 20th of November 2014 for you to
ascertain who the culprit was that spoke to me in such a fashion.

As you can see from the comments listed above in relation to your terms and
conditions you state that n alternative of equal value or greater is to be

The contract is vitiated via the fact that you are failing to meet your
contractual obligations to be as the consumer. Instead you have insulted me
by offering a £34.00 credit to my airtime, this does not equate to an equal
value of the speakers which you advertise at £199.99.

This email is for to express my extreme dissatisfaction in both the way
this complaint has been handled and also the resolution which you propose
which I reject.

I therefore request you revisit my complaint as a matter of urgency. I am
considering taking further action with this unless a resolution is achieved
in the next 14 days. I would also expect a written letter of apology both
for the accusations your staff have made towards coupled with the lack of

If you have any further questions regarding this letter then please do not
hesitate to contact me on 0****
Message 62 of 67

Not applicable
A few typos, that way my rough draft before I got home and edited it properly.
O2's reply is further up in this thread
Message 63 of 67

Not applicable
A few typos, that was my rough draft before I got home and edited it properly.
O2's reply is further up in this thread
Message 64 of 67

Level 94: Supreme
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Surely common sense isn't that lacking in O2? Absolutely disgraceful. £28 is a big joke (where did the imbecile pluck that figure from?) and expecting you to stump up a £100 for something that should rightfully have been free all those long months ago is astonishing. I would want speaker free immediately if in stock PLUS a large credit on my account for the hassle and stress in chasing this up.

Hope your email does the trick and someone with a modicum of the brain they were born with gets to read it.

Message 65 of 67

Not applicable

thanks for the helps guys


yeah i got my phone in december and started to chase in january. i have been on the chat thing 10 times about this and now made 7 phones calla about it. they got the £28 because thats how much my bill is. 


funny thing is i phoned up yesterday to see if i could lower my tariff and they said no but offered me a higer one!!.


when i was speaking to the woman yesterday who said she was the team leader she really couldnt giveme any answers at all she just kept trying to read off T+Cs. And then they kept offering me those two deals. I told them stright that the deals are just a slap in the face and the fact you think taking more money it a good deal just shows what a joke this comapny has become. 



I also said about this topic and that other people have had this issuse. she didnt know what to say.


i just said look imo o2 owe me £199.99, now she is passing it on to the higher people whoever that it, now i gotta wait for them to get in touch with me 


Message 66 of 67

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