on 11-09-2012 06:58
on 11-09-2012 06:58
I recently attempted to bring a complaint about a breach of data protection legislation to O2's attention.
All the guy at the end of the phone wanted to do was give me my next bill free. This is a more serious offense on o2's behalf than the origional issue.
I'm posting this in the hope that a member of staff spots this message and understands what me placing this complaint with the ICO will mean and actually gets in contact.
Case reference number:
on 11-09-2012 07:07
It's unlikely to get picked up here as we are essentially all customers like yourself.
Data protection and fraud are an issue on here and has been for many,many months. You may have seen a recent thread although this isn't the only one.
To make an official complaint follow the guide lines here:
on 11-09-2012 07:13
I made the offical complaint.
The guy I talked to was rude, arrogent, and just wanted me to agree to take money so it could count as a solved case.
I'm just in the process of filling this in, and I would urge other customers with issues to do the same:
on 11-09-2012 08:25
on 11-09-2012 08:25
Sometimes you need to be a bit more resilient and take complaints all the way, rather than get fobbed off with half-hearted gestures. In defence of the so-called Customer Services, they are no more enpowered than we are, merely small cogs in the mechanism that turns the O2 business.
Good luck with your claim and I hope you get it resolved.
on 11-09-2012 14:58
on 11-09-2012 14:58
I assume this is a continuation of this thread:
I wish you luck but I can't see it will amount to anything other than a slap on the wrist, O2 will say they won't do it again, and that will be it.
on 09-05-2014 14:54
on 09-05-2014 14:54
I too have been victim of a Data Protection Act Breach. The call handler I spoke to rectified the mistake immeadiately but the damage has already been done, he was not concerned by how the breach had effected me or the damage it had done.
I too will be contacting the ICO if I do not get a satisfactory response from the CEO.
Good luck with your issue resolution. Let's see how seriously O2 take these matters, especially with the ICO watching and asking questions! The more complaints the ICO recieve, the more likely O2 will face fines and have to take preventative measures to ensure these errors cease to cause problems for the consumer.
on 16-05-2014 09:15
on 16-05-2014 09:15
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